Two methods to create serial issues

These methods are for libraries not using acquisitions in Alma.

Method 1: Easy

  1. Search for the serial title in Alma- Search by physical title and title or ISSN.
Physical Serials search
  1. Click on the Expand all double-arrow drop-down.
Expand all icon
  1. Click on the Items link.
Items link image
  1. Find the most recent issue in the list, and click the row action menu next to it, and select the menu option, “Duplicate.” 
Duplicate issue
  1. Information will be pre-filled. Update the barcode, enumeration, chronology, and description fields. 
Enumeration and chronology image
  1. Click Save.


Method 2: Predicting issues and scanning in to receive

  1. Find the title in Alma, as above.
  2. Open the title in the metadata editor, and click on the View Related Data menu, select View Inventory.
View inventory image
  1. Click the Edit button to edit the Holding record for the title.
Edit holding record image
  1. Here is the holding record before adding a prediction pattern.
Holding record before image
  1. Click on the Editing Actions menu, and select Expand from Template.
  2. Select the template that best matches the serial you are working on. In this case, the serial is very regular, one issue each month.
Expand from template choices image
  1. There are three choices for adding the template:
    1. Override - this will replace any existing matching fields of the record with the template fields.
    2. Add missing - the fields of the template will supplement only the template's fields missing in the record.
    3. Add all - this will add all the template's fields to the record, keeping the record's existing fields, even if matched.
Expand from Template options image
  1. Click OK and the prediction is added to the holding record in the 853 field (or an 854/855 field depending on the template). A 590 is also added with a default message from the template. (This does not appear in Primo VE, so it is harmless. Also, it can be deleted.) Here is what the holding record looks like:
Holding record with added fields image
  1. Next, add the information for the first predicted issue. Click to activate the 853 field, then click on the Record Actions menu, and select Next predicted item's information.
  2. This box appears, fill in the issue's information. Click Close.
Next Predicted Item image
  1. Now you can view and open the predicted issues by clicking the Record Actions menu and selecting Open predicted items. Each predicted cycle is for one year. If the prediction looks correct, click Save. If the prediction does not look correct, click Discard and edit either the holding record or the next predicted item's information.
Predicted Items image
  1. When you return to the item list for the serial, you will see the predicted items there:
Predicted issues in item list image
  1. The Get It area in the Primo VE view is also updated.
Get it section in Primo VE image
  1. Once the holding record is set up, you can also open predicted issues from the item list. Click Manage Selected and click Open Predicted Items.
Opening from the item list image
Receiving Predicted Serial Issues
  1. To receive a predicted issue, find the issue in the item list and copy the barcode.
Copy the barcode image
  1. Navigate the Acquisitions menu, and under Post-receiving processing, click on Scan in items.
  2. Click the Change Item Information tab to make it active. Set the change type to "Permanent" and set the location to the location where your library stores serials. Paste the barcode in the Scan in the barcode field. Click OK.
Scan in item image
  1. A message pops up confirming you want to change the item's information even though the item was not received by the acquisitions department. Click Confirm.
Confirmation message image
  1. The issue appears with the "Item in place" status after a reshelving period.
Item in place image



(updated 10/18/2023)