ODIN Listservs

ODIN maintains the following listserv lists that any library staff may wish to be on:

Public, K-12 and Special Library Listservs

  • ODIN-PKS-OAC – all Public/K-12/Special Library Directors – library uses Polaris – issues/news regarding OAC meetings, general Polaris policies, etc.
  • ODIN-PKS-SYSLIBS – all Polaris System Librarians – discuss system-level issues regarding Polaris
  • ODIN-PKS-LIBS – all ODIN member library staff who use Polaris – discuss functional issues relating to Polaris.
  • ODIN-PKS-ACQSER - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Polaris Acquisitions or Serials
  • ODIN-PKS-CAT - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Polaris Cataloging issues
  • ODIN-PKS-CIRC - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Polaris Circulation issues
  • ODIN-PKS-DISCOVERY - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Polaris Search (PAC) issues
  • NDDR - Libraries participating in the Public Overdrive Consortium

Academic Library Listservs

  • ODIN-ACAD-OAC – all ODIN Academic Library Directors – library uses Alma– issues/news regarding OAC meetings, general Alma policies, etc.
  • ODIN-ACAD-SYSLIBS – all Alma System Librarians – discuss system-level issues regarding Alma
  • ODIN-ACAD-LIBS – all ODIN member library staff who use Alma – discuss functional issues relating to Alma.
  • ODIN-ACAD-ACQSER - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Alma Acquisitions or Serials
  • ODIN-ACAD-CAT - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Alma Cataloging issues
  • ODIN-ACAD-FULFILLMENT - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Alma Fulfillment (circulation) issues, including Course Reserves
  • ODIN-ACAD-DISCOVERY - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Alma Primo VE issues
  • ODIN-ACAD-RESOURCE-SHARING - USER GROUP listserv - all ODIN member library staff who use or are interested in Alma Interlibrary Loan issues
  • ODIN-ACAD-SIS - staff who are interested in automatic loading/updating of academic patron records
  • NDAC - USER GROUP listserv - for Academic Consortium related to Overdrive

To see who is subscribed to lists, send an email to:
with "no" Subject Line and this message in the body of the email:
(for example: REVIEW ODIN-PKS-CIRC)

Please look for your code and those who belong to your code - is everyone there who you want? (1) who needs to be added (2) who needs to be deleted? (3) who needs their name and/or email updated? Please send in an ODIN Help Desk ticket with changes needed. Include (1) Link (2) which list; (3) name + action (such as add, delete, change) + info. If something is correct, don't include it in your ticket, as we will not touch it! We will only touch the names you list in the ticket!