Online Dakota Information Network Governance
The Online Dakota Information Network (hereafter ODIN) is a North Dakota University System (hereafter NDUS) entity. ODIN is a consortium of all 11 NDUS academic libraries plus private academic libraries, public libraries, K-12 libraries, state government libraries and special libraries from across North Dakota.
NDUS through its Core Technology Services/Enterprise Solutions division employs a Director of ODIN, who manages and administers the ODIN entity with input from an ODIN Advisory Council (hereafter OAC). ODIN follows NDUS procedures which are used to implement State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) policies.
Communications regarding ODIN should be addressed to:
Director, ODIN
4349 James Ray Drive
Grand Forks, ND 58203
To reach ODIN via phone or email:
phone: 701-777-6346
Consortium of ODIN Member Libraries
ODIN’s purpose is to provide unified, cost effective and creative approaches to the acquisition, management and sharing of information and knowledge resources across all member libraries.
Membership in the consortium requires that individual libraries load their bibliographic records into a shared catalog, allows consortium members to search their collections and agrees to participate in resource sharing activities with other consortium members.
ODIN receives a state legislative appropriation with all other expenses to be self-supporting through membership fees. Member libraries pay fees according to a cost formula endorsed by the OAC. The Director of ODIN creates an ODIN budget each year and has final decision-making authority in the assignment of all ODIN resources, including ODIN staff. The ODIN staff place all minutes on the ODIN website.
ODIN Advisory Council
The purpose of the ODIN Advisory Council is to provide advisory opinions to the Director of ODIN. The OAC receives ideas from ODIN User Groups, reviews consortium priorities, and recommends financial options to fund new projects.
The OAC is comprised of the Director (or equivalent) from each member library.
The OAC Chair and OAC Vice Chair are elected by an online ballot. Each position assumes their duties in January of the year after they were elected. Each position serves a two-year term and is eligible for a second term. If either position is unable to complete the term, they need to submit a resignation to the Director of ODIN who will appoint the replacement through the end of the respective term.
Members of the OAC will meet quarterly, either online or face-to-face. The ODIN Advisory Council meeting is led by the OAC Chair or Vice Chair. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, the ODIN Director shall lead the meeting. ODIN Office staff takes care of meeting logistics, prepares an agenda, and records the minutes.
Each ODIN member has one vote. A simple majority will determine the outcome of votes.
A proxy letter must be submitted to the Director of ODIN in advance of each meeting and must include the name of the person who is to cast a vote on any matter on behalf of a member library.
Responsibilities of Members
- Provide direction and input to the ODIN Director concerning operations, services, and strategic planning for the consortium
- Inform themselves, staff, and users of current/potential issues/decisions affecting ODIN
- Vote on recommendations to the Director
Responsibilities of OAC Chair and Vice Chair
- To run the quarterly meetings
- To advise the ODIN Director on the creation of meeting agendas
- To create and oversee ad hoc committees
- Coordinate communications with the User Groups
- Vice Chair fulfills the Chair duties when Chair is unable
*Roberts Rules of Order will be followed.
ODIN User Groups
OAC User Groups are responsible for assessing and/or prioritizing recommendations of their respective discipline. There are specific user groups for Academic and for Public/K12/Special (PKS) libraries.
Membership in user groups is open to any staff member within a member library. Members may belong to more than one user group.
A Chair is elected for each User Group in December by an online ballot. The term of a User Group Chair is two years beginning in January. If a Chair is unable to complete the term, a new chair is elected at a User Group Meeting.
A User Group meeting is led by a Chair. A member of the ODIN Office will handle all meeting logistics, put together an agenda, and record the minutes. User Groups meet at least twice per year with online meetings preferred. Each User Group library has one vote when a vote is necessary.
Responsibilities of Member
- Discuss issues pertaining to a discipline (e.g. Cataloging, Circulation, etc.)
- Share knowledge with peers
- Create and review policies relating to disciplines (e.g. Circulation, Cataloging, etc.)
- Attend and actively participate in meetings
Responsibilities of Chair
- Lead the User Group meetings. If the Chair is unavailable, an ODIN staff member will lead the meeting.
- Provide recommendations to OAC Chair for any actions that need discussion and recommendation by the OAC to the ODIN Director.
Document History
Original Statement of Organization and Operation, August 29, 1988
2nd Revision Effective July 1, 1991
3rd Revision Effective October 1997
4th Revision Approved and Effective June 12, 2018
5th Revision Approved and Effective October 24, 2019
6th Revision Approved and Effective November 30, 2022
This document is subject to periodic review.