How to move an item record to another bibliographic record

  1. Find the bibliographic record that has the item you want to move. Physical titles search by title or keyword:
    Physical title search
  2. Click on “Expand all” under the title:
    Click on expand all
  3. An information tray appears. Click on the link for Items:
    Click on Items
  4. Select the copie(s) you want to move to another bibliographic record:
    Select the copy to relink
  5. Click on the link above that says, “Manage Selected” and select Relink to another bib:
    Manage selected relink to another bib
  6. This workform appears, click in the Select bibliographic record box:
    select bibliographic record search
  7. Search for the bibliographic record you want to link to:
    search for the correct bib
  8. In the search results click on the title you want to link to:
    Click on the title you want to link to
  9. When the bib record already has a holdings record you will select the holdings record you want to link to, and click Select.
    Select holding record to link to
  10. The item is now linked to the new bib record.

    When the new bib record doesn’t have a holdings record
  11. Click “Add new Holdings”
    Add new holdings
  12. It will pop you into the metadata editor where you can create the holdings record.
    create holding in metadata editor
  13. Save the new holdings record, and click the Metadata editor icon to pop back to the relink items workform.
    Hide metadata editor icon
  14. Select the new holdings record, and click the “Select” button.
    Select new holdings record and click select
  15. If the item is the last one on the old bibliographic record, you must decide what to do with the old record- In general you would want to delete the bibliographic record when it will no longer be used:
    last item warning
  16. Now the item linked to the new record:
    The item is now linked to the new bib record