Meeting Summary:
Laura McMahon, the NDAC Overdrive Account Manager, presented on the 2023 statistics, available purchasing tools, tips for taking advantage of sales throughout the year, and marketing support. (slides available under Attached Files).
Overdrive subscription renewals will begin November 1, 2024.
Overdrive Contact Info:
Laura McMahon - Account Manager (
Mathew Jordan - Product Support Specialist (
Kenny Cruse - Digital Content Librarian (
Hannah Beebe will be taking over purchasing responsibility for VCSU.
Consortium Purchasing Committee will meet later this year to coincide closer with November renewals.
Current Purchasing Committee Members:
Brittany Fischer - UND
Tuya Dutton - UJ
Hannah Beebe - VCSU
Marlene Anderson - BSC
DSU and Mayville State still have NDSL $ to spend.
NDSU recently added some additional funds to the pool that need to be spent before June 30th.
- Will prioritize High Holds & Notify Me tags
NDAC Chair: Brittany Fischer (
ODIN Liason: Nicole Murphy (
Email for connection information.