If you have not already done so and to get as many of your requests in before Go Live, please fill out the attached spreadsheet for your library by Friday, November 29th.
The spreadsheet has three tabs:
- Header Customization – logo, library name, etc.
- Limit By – Default Search behavior and additional search limits ***NOTE: We are in the process of changing everyone’s default search to their local library/branch, so this request is more about if you want additional ones at Go Live.
- Narrow Your Search – the facets in the search results to allow patrons to expand or limit their search results further. This can be left at the system-default if you are happy with how it currently is.
In addition to the above, we have discussed a couple of more options that are considered ‘enhancements’ to the basic functionality/design. These are the ‘nice to have’s” and we will do our best to have requests in place at launch, but might have to be added/changed post Dec 11.
- Additional fields appearing in the Brief Search results and/or reordering of fields in either brief or full displays
- Carousels and Web Parts (see attached for details)
- Quick Search ‘buttons’ – the Author/Title/Subject/Series/etc. buttons that appear below the quick search bar
Reach out with any questions or concerns and thank you for all that you do!