September 14, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Barb Davis, Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Shari (UNW), Staci (NDI), Stan (UND), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- UND - browsing call numbers, UND - cutters used in 099 tags, NMI -- cutters with 092 for children’s collections, virtual browse uses 050 instead of 090 (based on bib record rather than holding) – problem listed in Basecamp.
- Children’s fiction call numbers are often not in order (TD12709890/SF00821559). UPDATE: Should be fixed in the September 2020 release – Shelby to test and report back. Has not had a chance to test yet. Would like multiple libraries to test this function.
- UND has trouble matching with brief order records in the IZ – Felecia sent examples. UPDATE: old orders in ALEPH trying to process in ALMA. May not be an problem – will have to test after more orders are originated in ALMA. Laurie (UNE) questioned process – Shelby will send outline of procedures to the list for others to test if they wish. Jenny also mentioned Tina (NDSU) is working on specific document for e-books. Modification date updates do not seem to be coming across.
- Shelby sent email 8/5 - norm rule delete undesirable fields from OCLC records that are imported daily for discussion. Last week discussions included 653 being used. 690 field for notes and ND author but 691 should be ND Author. Further discussion needed - New Date: September 21st for discussion.
- Premium sandbox – Ginny working on credentials.
- NetLibrary/EBSCOeBooks problem for several libraries.
- Different problems at different libraries. UND has 25,000 records but did not buy them all. Nobody acquired the same titles. Libraries will need to identify the titles involved.
- 710/953 field in NetLibrary records for UND. ACLS Humanities – many matched e-books.
- You can get reports from ECM My Owned Titles list to include NetLibrary.
- Jenny mentioned you could filter by SHARED PURCHASE.
- Most records have MII
- Discussion to also be followed up in the ACQ User Group.
- Overdrive access issue – temporary fix via ALEPH – working on access solution for ALMA. UPDATE: NBJ working, and OD has what they need for SAML authentication NDUS, Jamestown community patrons still working on.
- OCLC ODINA daily extracts – discuss if workflow changes are needed.
- Bib importing not bringing in updated record from OCLC (NDSU reported). UPDATE?
- Shelby sending the files to the odin-acad-cat list. Jason is running the updates from Aug 1st through 9th. Tracking changes and post in Basecamp as to what you are seeing – good and bad. UPDATE? Caught up through 8/20. Shelby will work on getting rest of files unzipped, converted to MRC format and sent to Jason for processing. When all updated, will start the “normal processing” at that time.…
New Topics:
- Outstanding go-live readiness list items – any updates? Areas you may need help?
- Two open positions with ODIN if anyone knows of someone who may be interested.
- Meetings schedules – weekly still needed? Every other week? Monthly?
- What topics would you like to see either demo’ed or discussed?
- Is it possible to have a demo of what we need to do to fix the eBooks/netlibrary issue? – Jenny also mentioned this would be a topic for discussion in the ACQ User Group on Monday.
- ANALYTICS session Thursday.