December 13, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attendees: Amy (NDSCS), Shelby (UND), Kelly (NMY), Liz (ODIN), Michael (UND), Laurie (UNE), Ben (NDV), Lynn (ODIN), Julia (NMI), Staci (NDI), Tina (NDSU), Lisa (NBJ), Linda (UND), Phyllis (TBI), Jenny (NDSU), Felecia (UND)
- Julia had a question about subject headings getting updated after recent LC changes, particularly the “illegal aliens” change to “noncitizens.” Response- bibliographic records in the network zone will receive these changes automatically. Institution zones do not receive these updates. OCLC will fix the "fast" headings sometime in January. Shelby was going to wait until OCLC fixes the "fast" headings before making any manual updates in the IZ.
Ongoing Topics:
- Network Zone: prepping for Merge and Combine Inventory
- Brief level rule- seeking volunteers to form a subcommittee that will research the brief rules and report back to the user group
- Decided to create a small group to look at this more closely and to report back to the user group with a recommendation about what we should do. Volunteers for this group: Tina, Jenny, Shelby, and Ben.
- Network Zone: delete “unused” bibliographic records
- Liz prepared a set of records created before July 1, 2020, and then ran the “Identify records that are not used in the Network” and posted a spreadsheet of them to the ODIN website.
- Shelby identified some STA_DELETED records that she would like preserved so they can work on them themselves. NDSU does not need the STA_DELETED records. Shelby said that we can go ahead with the deleting of unused bib records as long as the STA-DELETED ones were not in the set. Liz will follow up with the group before doing the delete.
New Topics:
- Primo VE November release: Exclude eBooks from CDI results. Ex Libris has added a configuration option to exclude eBook records from CDI results, chapter-level records are not affected and will still be returned as part of the CDI results.
- Liz tested this on the sandbox, NZ ebook collections set to pull in CDI ebooks, but filter out the CDI ebooks in the UND sandbox Primo
- Do libraries want the NZ ebook collections to bring in CDI ebooks, so libraries can control this in their local Primo? Decided to leave as-is for now (NZ EBSCOhost ebook collections are not bringing in CDI ebooks.)
- December Alma release:
- Automatic deletion of NZ bibliographic record not held by other institutions – this is disabled by default – Do we want to enable this? We ought to do clean up of the NZ first- delete the unused bibliographic records first, and then see if we want to activate this option. After the clean-up, it is okay to activate this option. Send an email with screen shots of what the steps are.
- Excel spreadsheets from Alma are now formatted more nicely: auto adjusted column widths, text wrapping, and headers that sort and filter.
- User group elections: vote here: Voting closes December 15.