ODIN Workday 2019 : One, Two, Three Migrations: ODIN’s Website is changing too!

May 14 2019 | 2 - 3pm

One, Two, Three Migrations: ODIN’s Website is changing too!

The Alma and Polaris migrations are two major projects our consortia are undertaking over the next several months and with all the changes, we thought it would be a good time to look at revising ODIN’s website as well. In this session, we will first go over current sections on the website, giving a quick tour around to see where documentation, reports, and other areas are currently located. After a quick tour of the existing site, we will turn to a discussion on future changes. We will explore a couple of other similar consortia websites to see what they are doing. We will end with a Q&A and feedback session for what you as members would like to see improved, changed, or added.

Hosted by: Jason Bedsaul
Date: May 14th
Time: 2:00 pm. – 3:00 p.m.