Completing an ILL Item in Alma

1. To complete the resource sharing cycle, when material has been returned to the lending library, that library conducts a return of the material by going to the Fulfillment menu and selecting Checkout/Checkin | Return Items.

Alma completing - return menu

2. After scanning the item barcode, the return screen Alma indicates the next step, which is typically reshelving the item.

Alma completing - complete results

3. Alternatively, you may retrieve the item by going to the Fulfillment menu and selecting Resource Sharing | Borrowing Requests. With the request on the screen, use the ellipse button next to the request and select Checked In.

Alma completing - checking via request

4. A workform is displayed allowing for the entry of an internal note or Note to partner. Click OK to continue.

Alma completing - check in workform

5. Using either method, status of the request is updated to Request Completed.

Alma completing - completed request