Leap: Importing Bibliographic Records

Basic Information for importing bibliographic records in Leap.


  1. After logging into Leap, on the menu bar select Utilities | MARC Import.
Utilities menu

2. Choose the import profile to be used from the Profile Name list.

Profile name list

3. Use the Select File button to locate the file of MARC records saved on your computer.

Select file button

4. Click Browse to navigate to the file of saved MARC records and click to select it.

Browse for file
Select MARC file of bibs

5. With the Import Profile selected and file of MARC records uploaded, click Import.

Import records

6. The screen automatically clears. To monitor the import job, go to Utilities | Cataloging  Processes.

Cataloging Processes menu

7. The Cataloging Processing list displays. Select the Marc Import tab to see the results of the import job. Jobs are listed in chronological order with the most recent appearing first.

Cataloging processes list

8. Click on the file name to see a report of the records loaded, included any record sets that were created in the process. The report will open in a separate browser tab.

Import report