How to Use the IPEDS Dashboard

Each year the ODIN office will email you reports for the electronic resources your Institution receives from the Network Zone. You will add the counts from these reports to the counts you get from the IPEDS dashboard for your Institution.

How to use the IPEDS Dashboard

Sign in to Alma and click on the Analytics menu. 

Click on either the Access Analytics link or the Design Analytics link. 

Access Analytics Link

Click on the Catalog link at the top right of the screen: 

Catalog menu link

In the left pane, navigate to the link for your Institution. You will need to click the triangle next to Shared Folders to open the file structure. When you find your Institution, click that folder. 

File structure

In the right pane, you will see the files that are in your Institution folder. The folder with IPEDS Dashboard will be at or near the top. Click Expand to view the contents of the folder. 

IPEDS dashboard folder

Now click Open to open the IPEDS dashboard. 

Click Open

The IPEDS dashboard has a tab across the top for each data element asked for in IPEDS. Most tabs have prompts asking for a date. 

Example: Physical – Books 

Physical Books prompt

The prompt is asking you to enter a date equal or less than a certain date for Item Creation OR a Receiving Date. This date would be the last day of the fiscal year for your IPEDS report, ex. 06/30/2024. 

If your library uses Acquisitions, you should use the Receiving Date box; if you do not, you should use the Item Creation Date box. 

Click OK to run the report. 

The report appears, and at the bottom of the report you have options: 

Report options
  • Return will return you to the main dashboard where you can continue to run and view reports 
  • Print will print the report 
  • Export will give you options for exporting the report 
  • Create Bookmark Link will create a URL in the browser address bar that you can use to return to this report 

If you have questions about the IPEDS dashboard, please submit an ODIN Help Desk ticket.