This is the monthly user group meeting to discuss Discovery/PAC issues related to ODIN Libraries using Polaris. We meet from 10-11 am central on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Please send along topics for the agenda at least a couple days prior to the scheduled meeting to the ODIN Facilitator or listserv listed below.
- Old Business – updates:
- PAC search – should sort default to Most popular or Relevance? Should revisit in a later meeting with larger attendance.
- Potential issue with Overdrive titles showing up in PAC when not available to library – Renee submitted ticket (TD18106633). UPDATE?
- Polaris outages in late August – stable now but Lead Engineer still investigating some issue possibly related to authentication. – UPDATE
- Schedule for meetings – 2nd Wednesday of each month still working – will revisit in next meeting
- Roundtable Open Forum:
- Carolyn Sterenberg starts Oct 1st – Public Services Director
- Would be nice to rework the canned notices. Will put in a ticket with more details and we will see what we can do. UPDATE?
- NDLA mini-session on PAC customization options – Jason
- Chairperson for Discovery/PAC User Group – 2 year term starting in Jan 2022
- Submit names in November
- Election in December
- Topics for future discussion
- Questions/Comments/Feedback
- Next meeting November 10th
If you would like to attend the meeting, but do not have the meeting link, please send an email to ODINHELP@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU and we will forward a link to you.
Connect with the group
- User Group Page:
- ODIN Facilitator - Lynn Wolf (