Alma Fulfillment User Group Meeting - May 2024

May 29 2024 | 10 - 11am

Meeting Summary:


Alma Release Notes – May 2024 

  • Filtering for History in User Details 
  • Define whether Fees are Automatically Moved to the Patron 
  • ISO 18626 Peer to Peer Communication with Tipasa/WS ILL 
  • Auto Renewal After Due Date 
  • Configure Translation of Letters Available for Patron Opt-In/Out in Primo 
  • Manual Job Scheduling 
  • Multiple Tabs Option 

Library Updates 

  • NDSCS – RS is back online   We might revisit enforcement of lost item fines 
  • MSU – Student workers shifting journals 

Anything else you would like to discuss or address? 

Next meeting is scheduled for August 28th, 2024, at 10 am CST.