September 13, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attendees: Katie Wenke, Felecia Clifton, Michael Lewis, Kelly Kornkven, Shelby Harken, Amy Carson, Jasmine Lee, Laurie McHenry, Lisa Grover, Benjamin Ferguson, Staci Green, Linda Olson, Tina Gross, Lynn Wolf, Liz Mason
New Topics:
- Comments/Questions?
- Laurie- has noticed that when she catalogs a new edition of something and deletes the older edition from her institution, the bibliographic record for the older edition remains in the Network Zone. – This would be one of the purposes of deleting the unlinked bibliographic records in the network zone maintenance.
- Handle Duplicated Bibs Job – This was run without ODIN’s knowledge by Ex Libris. They ran this because the Alma data model does not support multiple institution zone records linked to the same network zone/community zone records.
“In order to correct the data, a maintenance process was run on your environment to merge multiple Institution Zone Bibliographic records linked to the same Network Zone/Community Zone records. This was not expected to cause any impact on functionality or workflows, nor any loss of data, and therefore did not necessitate advanced communication on the activity. This seems to have been incorrect as there were cases of certain fields from the multiple records not being handled as part of the merge. We apologize for this and if you are interested in a report listing all of the deleted bibliographic records or if you are interested in restoring the deleted bibliographic records, please let us know.”
This job was run on the following:
6066- Network Zone
6067- 01ODIN_NBJ Bismarck State College
6068- 01ODIN_BSF Dakota College
6069- 01ODIN_NDI Dickinson State University
6070- 01ODIN_LRJ Lake Region State College
6071- 01ODIN_NMY Mayville State University
6072- 01ODIN_NMI Minot State University
6073- 01ODIN_NDW North Dakota State College of Science
6074- 01ODIN_TBI Trinity Bible College
6075- 01ODIN_NDJ University of Jamestown
6076- 01ODIN_UND University of North Dakota Chester Fritz Library
6077- 01ODIN_UNE University of North Dakota Law Library
6079- 01ODIN_NDV Valley City State University
6080- 01ODIN_UNW Williston State College
Liz believes all the records were deleted on or around 8/18/2021. Also, you can see them (and restore them) by looking at Resources > under Advanced Tools > Manage Deleted Repository. Search by Deleted range like this:Image
Also, if you’d like a list from Ex Libris, or for ExLibris to restore them, let Liz know.- Shelby led the discussion on this and what she had been observing so far when checking UND’s collection. Liz would like a ticket from each library if they would like Ex Libris to restore their titles. She will also verify that NDSU did not have any records deleted. She will also ask exactly what they did- did they merge records before deleting them, and if so can they undo what they did? Liz will report back to the listserv.
- Review of Basic Cataloging in Alma instructions. Anything you would change, rearrange, remove, or add?
- Comments on the instructions for basic cataloging- Laurie noted that 852$a is listed but the workform doesn’t have an 852$a. She also noted that the instructions reference a full list of local extensions are on the ODIN website, but there isn’t a link to the local extensions. Not sure about the question Is Magnetic? Our instructions say it defaults to no, but maybe it be more clear to indicate that the default can be set up in a table to either yes or no. Please send any futher comments on this document to Liz by September 24.
- Unicode characters ] (this is Unicode for right bracket) is showing up in ODIN’s data loads from OCLC. Liz has a ticket in with OCLC about it (#476653), and they are investigating it alongside the ticket they received from SUNY. They will let ODIN know when it is resolved. In the meantime, Liz is fixing them each day with a normalization rule.
Ongoing Topics:
- Network Zone: prepping for Merge and Combine Inventory
- Brief record levels
- There are two out of the box rules. One is based on record levels in the leader of the Marc record:
- Level 10- leader 17 is
, 1, L or l, I or i Level 9- leader 17 is 4 Level 8- leader 17 is 8 Level 7- leader 17 is K or k Level 6- leader 17 is M or m Level 5- leader 17 is 2 Level 4- leader 17 is 7 Level 3- leader 17 is J or j Level 2- leader 17 is 3 Level 1- leader 17 is 5 and anything that doesn’t match above
- Level 10- leader 17 is
The other out of the box rule is based on record content: Level 10- everything is initially set to 10 Level 4- when there are no 6XX fields Level 3- when there are no 020 $a/022 $a fields Level 2- when there are no 050 $a/082 $a fields Level 1- when there is no 245 $a
We can write our own.
- There are two out of the box rules. One is based on record levels in the leader of the Marc record:
Shelby looked at records and wasn’t sure what we achieved here. She wasn’t really noticing a difference between records. Liz will reload the entire batch again and then we can compare the same records with the same records using the different rules.
- Brief record levels