October 28, 2019 – Academic Cataloging Group
Attending: Jenny (NDSU), Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (Mayville), Ben (Valley City), Drew (UND), Erika (UNF), Hattie (Dakota), Jasmine (Minot), Jason (ODIN), Julia (Minot), Laurie (UNE), Phyllis (Trinity), Shari (Williston), Shelby (UND), Staci (Dickinson), Megan (as Lynn)
Local fields – Status? … DUE: NOV 4th
Last week: Group to review Orbis-Cascade document for format and use similar tags for mapping to be consistent. Jenny will create Google Docs document for mapping to consistent fields within the 950-999 range so group can come to consensus for shared fields. Lynn to run reports for the 900-949 and 950-999 fields for libraries to review (DONE). Shelby to put in question on basecamp regarding 77x/78x. Keep working on identifying LOCAL fields. REMINDER: NO need to add $LOCAL to our existing ALEPH records as this will be done during the extraction process by the FIX routine. >>> See email from Shelby on 10/23/19 - Local fields plan – UND
**** UPDATE: Jenny hasn’t had a chance yet to contact Orbus-Cascade. Google docs link: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MkSlkXf0YQSiC8XM3q_uMjzvPlfdZW1nxtmRsynLIis/edit#gid=0 Added 099 to local fields (Shelby)
ND author should be copied from 655 to 694, faculty notes/other local notes in the 655 can be moved to 690
Added local only fields in 950-999 that will not display in Primo [962-971] (Shelby)
Group members please feel free to add to or comment on the document (Jenny)
Validation of Migration Forms – Status? Any questions or problems? DUE: OCT 31st
**** UPDATE: Migration and P2E forms should be sent directly to Megan by Thursday the 31st.
If there is no 856 field, the item is not electronic-based and does not need to be included on the P2E.
Question: do we keep updating our P2E files as we add new records before the first test load? (Yes – in the 10/1
Migration Process Overview meeting, (https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/12159378/uploads/2102343538), an updated P2E file is to be submitted during Weeks 7-8, Nov 18-Dec 2.)
Shelby changed some records from package to database (going to a website and having access to books/journals) – do those stay as package or database? [NOTE: ExL did say that anything that came from acquisitions should be listed as a package, and any type of streaming media is listed as a database.]
Load Order for NZ population – Julia proposed moving UNE before NMI due to specialized records. … DUE: NOV 15th

**** UPDATE: Request to move UNE before NMI and NDV as they have the most original items after UND. No objections.
Focus Groups – start to form – volunteers?
Authorities - Shelby
Best Practices
Electronic Resources
Any others to add?
**** UPDATE: Discovery was another group suggested. Shelby recommends not breaking out too much apart from Technical Services vs Public Services as Alma is integrated. Megan added that it’s important to join these groups if you want your voice/library’s input to be heard. ================================================================
Available recordings of Cataloging Meetings are found on ODIN website in Alma tab under Quick Links.