- Amy Carson: has anyone activated the Unpay Wall Collection from the community zone? There have been a ton of listserv messages about people activating it and how it is working for them. Shelby said that at UND they are holding off on activating it. Amy currently has Unpay Wall links that work.
Tickets with Ex Libris:
- Bibliographic Record Retention – last week Ex Libris stated, “Development confirmed that using Local Extension as Retention field configured on NZ is not supported. We will add a note to the documentation.”
- Sharing NZ data with IZs for analytics (no new update)
New Topics:
Release Notes:
- Language note (546 $a $b) has been added to the Notes search Index in Alma.
- Not Empty and Is Empty operators added to more advanced searches in Alma.
- Browse search- Browse shelf listing and Browse Authority Headings, selections are saved between uses of the search.
- Link Resolver Usage added to portfolio search results. *for 12 months
- Creating an itemized set from a file of MMS IDs used to be limited to an All Titles set. Now you can create sets this way for Physical Titles, Digital Titles, or Electronic Titles. If a record does not have the inventory type associated with the set, it will not be added to the set.
- Save and Toggle as Missing in the item editor – this will toggle the status of an item from “In Place” to “Missing” or back again.
- Change physical items information job now allows you to append to existing notes. See video (2.5 min.):
Webinars that may be of interest:
- Linked Open Data – recording is available here:… Scroll down to Nov. 7 and Nov. 8 - Sets Functionality in Alma using the New UI for Managing Sets - use the above link to register. The webinar is tomorrow.
Meeting Schedule
- I’m on vacation on December 11. Do you want to meet the following week, December 18? – The group decided to cancel the December meeting.
- The meeting will move to an every-other-month schedule. To start in February so it will coincide with the Alma feature release schedule.