November 9, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Phyllis (TBI), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Stan (UND), Shari (UNW), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- Shelby created norm rule to delete undesirable fields from OCLC records import. UPDATE: Shelby reported this is working now.
- Authorities – Preferred Terms Correction (info sent to listserv 9/17 pm).
- Authorities – preferred term turned on for UND (Shelby) and NDSU (Tina) to review – UPDATE: Shelby and Tina are going to test when schedules allow.
- Authorities Task List – UPDATE: Shelby/Tina – task list works but depends on how much time is available to devote to the cleanup. More testing is needed.
- NZ related issues
- Shelby had issue with batch changes to record sets – she would bring them in, change in MARCEdit and then reload. UPDATE: Shelby and Tina are working on this and will update with their results. Might have to unlink from NZ before doing change when dealing with the 001 tag.
- Shelby is being set up to have access to NZ on SB.
New Topics:
- Tina (NDSU) had questions on the Bound with/associated bibs – should old fields have migrated to 773? Yes, for ALEPH group they did. NDSU had previous documentation on process but that was before NZ. Having trouble creating new links. Tina will investigate migrated records to see if things had been brought across correctly.
- 760 standing orders in sets not a protected field by default so could be overlaid by someone else unless you use $9LOCAL to make it local. Drew (UND) has future cataloging related to this and will check how things work there.
- change to ISO for import from OCLC fixed foreign language problems
- any one still having problems? No problems mentioned.
- Updating 035 OCLC numbers when OCLC changes –
- Shelby can edit when only her library has item - what about others? If you do run across one, we need to correct or remove repeated 035 if exists. Shelby went to update the OCLC number that had been incorrect at OCLC. It was a NZ record and appeared to allow the update.
- It appears the import profile is matching on the “old” OCLC number but not updating it. Libraries should watch and if notice an 035 change, please post to the group listserv so it can be tracked for behavior.
- Best Practice – Should each library do own cleanup or someone appointed/allowed? Should have recommendation after further testing.
- MDE in New UI - any problems? Or just Shelby? Email was sent to list but no responses received. ALMA listserv had traffic on this subject. If using Firefox, clear cache. Chrome seems to be working better.
- What topics would you like to see covered in documentation, training seminars or next ODIN Work Day? Please submit to or