November 13, 2019 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attending: Jenny (NDSU), Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (Mayville), Ben (Valley City), Drew (UND), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Julia (NMI), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Megan (ODIN), Phyllis (TBI), Shari (UNW), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Lynn (ODIN)
Local fields mapping – … DUE: NOV 15th (revised from Nov 4th)
- Google docs link:
*** several fields were added during this meeting: 961 for 830 tag, 972 for 049 tag (keep all current subfields and only change the tag number), 973 for 949 tag and 974 for the 002 tag for Law
Data Cleanup progress:
- OCLC number cleanup: NBJ, UNE, UND is close, NDW, NDJ, TBI getting closer – we should be able to get updated runs if needed. Just let me know and I can request. Only libraries that have not “signed off” on the spreadsheet are BSF and LRJ. *** LRJ & BSF signed off 11/14/19 and spreadsheet posted on Basecamp.
- Examples should be collected for each of these mapping points so they can be tested after the first load. The more examples, the better the testing. Two sets of testing should be done --- one for how the records migrated to NZ (the first week) and the other for how they behave when modifying.
According to Basecamp To-Dos 00 - Key Alma-Primo VE Implementation Phase Milestones:
November 19th (estimated) – Implementation Phase Kick-Off
January 13, 2020 – Alma Test Load Migration Start
January 28, 2020 – Alma Production Environments Delivered for Testing
February 11, 2020 – Primo VE/First Look Production Environment Delivered for Testing
April 10, 2020 -- SIS load testing completed
April 22, 2020 – Authentication Configuration Complete
April 28-30, 2020 – ALMA Onsite Workshop
Problem tracking – Jason can set up tracking link on ODIN website similar to Polaris where libraries would submit the Remedy ticket, the ODIN Staff would research and add to the tracking form. Tickets already submitted via Remedy with concerns for the Implementation Team:
- SFX checking for UND
- Physical and electronic holdings – Jenny demo’ed Agriculture yearbook in ALMA and Primo for multiple URLs in one title (HathiTrust example at 48 minute mark of recording). NDSU has some titles with multiple records that are dedup’ed via Primo VE.