May 10, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attendees: Felecia Clifton, Michael Lewis, Laurie McHenry, Liz Mason, Kelly Kornkven, Amy Carson, Katie Wenke, Staci Green, Julia Cater, Shelby Harken, Phyllis Bratton, Lisa Grover, Benjamin Ferguson, Jason Bedsaul, Jenny Grasto, Tina Gross, Lynn Wolf, Nicole Murphy.
New Topics:
- Comments/Questions?
- Blackboard Collaborate or Teams? – Julia Cater, in chat said it didn’t matter which, not hearing any discussion, we will switch to Teams. Liz will cancel the Bb calendar reminders and send out new ones with the correct link with Teams. Question: Will we be able to use today’s TEAM meeting link for the CAT meetings going forward, or will you be re-sending a new invite for the monthly meetings? Liz will send out new invitations, she doesn’t know if the links will be the same or not. The Blackboard link is always the same link, but she isn’t sure if that is true for Teams links. Liz recommends you click the link in the invite.
- Summer subject heading project- Does anyone else have a project this summer?
- Julia- Has been looking at records for their serials and notices that in some cases they have volumes displaying as years and years as volumes. She wonders if anyone had used one of the automated products to pull data, insert it in the proper place? If you have, would you be willing to contact Julia about how it went? Also, if you have done this, you could post to the listserv.
- Subject heading project – No one has contacted Tina. If anyone is interested feel free to contact Tina and she will discuss it with them.
- Shelby will show how she set up an import profile to create holdings and item records and linking to the network zone (view minutes 14-44 of the recording).
- Alma/Primo VE down over Memorial Day weekend, May 29-30 at 8pm-8pm CT for the move to a new datacenter. You can view status updates: we are NA06.
- ELUNA meeting- Tina said that the subject heading issue was discussed at the ELUNA meeting on May 3rd and what Ex Libris and ELUNA are thinking of doing. The session mentioned a DEI metadata group was doing. Author-supplied keywords were coming into Primo VE via CDI were being displayed just like as controlled subject headings without any differentiation and that caused problems. If you’d like to hear about that you can listen to the recording of the session, see ELUNA 2021 Annual Meeting. They have also developed a stop list for terms that were coming in through CDI metadata. - The updates (not new cataloging) are not coming in from OCLC through the import profile and ODIN has a ticket in to Ex Libris about it. Shelby is not sure if it is a timing issue with when the file is posted, or what it is.
Pending & Old items:
- Authorities/Preferred Term Correction: Changes to authority records are made in OCLC which then sends the changes to the Library of Congress, which approves or updates them. Alma receives updated authority records, and Shelby has indicated they are coming into Alma in 2-3 weeks. Alma is also receiving updated bibliographic records, and that addresses out of date headings as well. So, ODIN has decided that authority work does not need to be done in the NZ, that the best place for this work to be done is OCLC. Liz can email the weekly Authority Task List reports to anyone interested in receiving them. – Shelby has tested this process and corrected authority records come in 2-3 weeks. Bibliographic records in the network zone can be corrected without any special network zone access.
- Bound with/associated bibs 773 tags for NDSU did not migrate as local to new ALMA instance. ALEPH group they did. -- UPDATE: SF case #00900505 created 11/18/20 for ExL to investigate. Conversation between NDSU and Ex Libris is ongoing.
- New Metadata Editor – There was a glitch with the new metadata editor after the May release, which required a manual refresh of the browser cache to fix. The May release update on May 9 should fix this. Ex Libris announced that the new Metadata Editor will be the default with the June release. They are extending the use of the old Metadata Editor until the October release, and it will not be available after October 3rd.