- Ben Ferguson will be filling in for the rest of Tina’s term as chair. We will have elections at the end of the year for a new chair.
- Jenny Sjoquist noticed that an email came out for the second round of Alma enhancements this weekend. Nicole stated that ODIN will have some discussion meetings to learn which enhancements ODIN libraries would most like to see. This will be similar to round one.
Old Topics:
- Indicating in Primo an electronic collection is activated in the Network Zone. The Discovery group didn’t like “Activated by ODIN” and made several suggestions. They are currently voting for their preferred option. Poll closes June 14. Ben shared a link to the poll in the chat.
New Topics:
- NDAC OverDrive records- This spring, Liz finished cataloging all the eBooks/audiobooks purchased by the State Library using OCLC records. Whenever there are new records added to the collection Liz gets an email and catalogs those using OCLC records as well. 710 2 $a OverDrive, Inc. has been added as well.
- Ben is finishing Tina Gross’ term as chair which ends in December. At that time, we’ll ask for nominations and if we get more than one, we will have an election for another two-year term beginning in January.
Open Discussion:
- NDSU and UND have turned on direct linking in Primo. How is it going? Has anyone else done this?
- Here is a two-minute video on configuring direct linking:…;
- Direct linking is when you click on the “available online” link from the brief record in the results list and it goes directly to the resource without going to the full record in the catalog first.
- Quick links you see a link like “Get PDF” or “Read Online” from the brief record in the results list and it goes directly to the resource without going to the full record first.
- NDSU has turned on direct linking for Primo. Jenny hasn’t heard back from the reference staff on how it is going, no complaints so far.
- UND ran into a problem with a database, but otherwise there have been no complaints.