July 20, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attendees: Amy Carson, Felecia Clifton, Katie Wenke, Michael Lewis, Shelby Harken, Kelly Kornkven, Staci Green, Emily Wros, Jenny Grasto, Tina Gross, Lisa Grover, Laurie McHenry, Linda Olson, Jasmine Lee, Julia Cater, Jason Bedsaul, Liz Mason
New Topics:
- Comments/Questions? – no new items
- Network Zone maintenance discussion
- Duplicate title analysis tool and Merge and combine inventory job
- Question- in deduplication can you end up with a worse record? When running the duplicate title analysis tool you can choose whether you want the preferred record to be the one with the most links or the one with the highest level record, if it can’t tell which record is the better record it goes with the record with the lowest MMSID number.
- Question- Why do all my records have level 01? Liz will look into this.
- Liz doesn’t want to do any merging until libraries complete work on local extensions.
- Question- do all 773s need to be local extensions? UND has some that are local extensions and some that are not. Tina- thinks they should all be local extensions since the content could refer to entities that are local to your catalog.
- There is a place to put in a prefix for the 035 in the duplicate analysis rule.
- Question- We are seeing records with 035 (OCoLC) and one 035 with (OCoLC)ocn where the numbers are matching. Is there a reason both are created?
- Deleting unlinked bibliographic records – Identify records not used in the network ; Boundwiths (774 links)
- Other records of concern that want to keep that do not have items:
- Order records (UND has some that migrated)
- Payment records (these in the IZ only?) – Migrated order/payment records may be in NZ
- Archival collections- often divided into series they also have 773/774 links to main collection
- JSTOR EBA collections have 773
- Equipment brief bibs (should not be in NZ)
- Course reserves
- Items that are status deleted that should not be.
- Question- UND has 24000 records marked status deleted, but they were status suppressed- Federal documents mostly where they sent the stuff to NDSU. When she creates a set, unlinks from NZ, export it, maneuver it, and import it back in again, Alma ignores all the status suppress on them. They are still hanging out in the NZ, but the UND IZ is cleaner. They might be linked to NDSU now. Staff have an advanced search to work on them.
- Question- Who would add the 9XX field to the records marking the boundwiths? Liz believes that the ODIN office will have to do it because the field must be visible in the NZ.
- Shelby has set up in UND’s Primo which shows “boundwith” rather than “with.” November (?) new feature in Primo.
- Julia has some questions about her Western Americana microfilm collection with books on reels of microfilm.
- Question- what other types of things should we think about?
- Other records of concern that want to keep that do not have items:
- Julia North Dakota outdoors example: Three different records for North Dakota outdoors, two for print run, and one for the video recordings. In Primo, the print holdings are appearing on the video recording record. Jenny suggests testing the records in the Dedup and FRBR Test Utility (Config>Discovery>Other>Dedup and FRBR Test Utility).
- Shelby question- she should have the option to set cataloger levels in (Config>Resources>Cataloging). Maybe in migration she decided not to migrate cataloger levels, but she should have the option to set them. Liz will put in a ticket so Shelby can set them up.
- Bibliographic level set up (Config>Resources>General>Brief levels)- How is this table set up? Is there a job to apply the changes to the records? We may want to set this up prior to the merge and combine records project. There is a column for managed in network, so that all our records are using the same rules.
- Duplicate title analysis tool and Merge and combine inventory job
Action items:
- Everyone think about things that may affect the deduplication job, and the unlinked bibliographic records job.
- Liz will
- research brief levels and setting up the brief level table
- write up instructions for identifying records with 774s and how to share them with the ODIN office
- find the instructions for configuring boundwith display in Primo VE
- share the duplicate analysis tool report ran on the sandbox
- research whether the “Identify records not used in the network” will excluded brief bibs, order/payment records, and course reserves.
Next Meeting:
Scheduled for 2nd Monday of each month or as needed.
Monday, August 9, 2-3 pm CT - Submit any agenda items to Liz.Mason@ndus.edu or to ODIN-ACAD-CAT@listserv.nodak.edu