July 13, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Erika (UNF), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Phyllis (TBI), Shari (UNW), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- NMI - Primo one item said ONLINE when they had online, print and microform, UND - browsing call numbers, UND - cutters used in 099 tags, NMI -- cutters with 092 for children’s collections, virtual browse uses 050 instead of 090 (based on bib record rather than holding) – problem listed in Basecamp.
- Children’s fiction call numbers are often not in order (TD12709890/SF00821559). UPDATE: Lynn sent in recording created with Shelby demonstrating the process for clarity --Ex Libris evaluating.
- Deletes/updates processing – UPDATE: Configuration fixed. Further testing needed.
New Topics:
- No new topics submitted --- what’s on your mind today?
- Shelby has been working on ALMA rules for the 6xx tag and 6501 for children’s authorities.
- Discussion on how deletions are working. Jenny (NDSU) gets email from ALMA summarizing changes.
- Suggestion for delay in processing deletes/changes for the first few weeks after go-live (approximately August 17th). Focus on new records to establish comfort levels. Jason to activate only the NEW feed during go-live.
- ** If you need any ALEPH services reinstated, identify the service/output file name and submit ticket requesting that job to resume processing.
- ** Some ALEPH Menu options have been removed. Still use caution when running services other than reports.
- Browse for name --- must have authority records (?) View configuration / links / browse search / edit
- Authority control task list – will look for session from Ex Libris sometime in August after go-live to get more info on how things work in ALMA.
- Next meeting will be WEDNESDAY, July 22nd to address any questions or problems with data acceptance testing.
For the week of 7/13
- 7/14 - Data Review for acceptance presentation
- 7/17 - Stop all activities on Alma Prod (including staff training)
According to Basecamp To-Dos 00 - Key Alma-Primo VE Implementation Phase Milestones:
July 24, 2020 - Fulfillment Freeze
July 12-26, 2020 – Cutover Load
July 29, 2020 – Go Live