February 3, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Erika (UNF), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jessica (UNF), Julia (NMI), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Megan (ODIN), Phyllis Kuno (TBI), Shari (UNW), Staci (NDI), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup:
- Questions? Problems? Updates? –
- Will the data be refreshed before go-live? Yes that is our understanding.
- Item Process Status – move to note on Item Record – Shelby had asked about acq item notes during one of the Tuesday calls. She had not received an answer yet so asked again on Basecamp.
- Configuration forms submitted.
Followup Issues:
- Who can log in to the institution zone? Will be getting SUPERUSER login – should be able roles to the users migrated. Suggest having a list of users and roles that will be needed to expedite the process.
- Discussion needed on Orbis Cascade model for NZ -- Libraries should be looking for policies and procedures on how things might work for the Network Zone options.
- When does record change from what is being worked on in OCLC? If record is replaced in OCLC, it should replace the NZ record.
- Generally people felt they wanted to stay cataloging in OCLC and bring in to ALMA. What procedure does NDSU use?
- Do titles in the CZ that are part of a package belong in NZ? Once activated they will be in the IZ. This will be another area to test thoroughly in the TEST environment.
- When will data be available to review?
- ExLibris call from 1/14 indicated February 3-5 timeframe.
- When do we hit resource sharing learning?
- Resource Sharing Models Webinar – Wednesday, January 22nd 10 am.
- https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Resource_Sharing
- Shelby went to ALA and RepeatO was mentioned. ISO part works with Tipasa, ILLiad and integration on OCLC. Things could change between now and go-live.
- Additional configuration information was discussed regarding special parameters expanded djs.xlsx spreadsheet. Requested Al/Jason to let libraries know if any other information is needed for this To-Do item.
- Connexion info not provided so will need to add that to configuration when we get into the TEST load.
New Topics:
- Premium sandboxes
- Resource sharing models – peer to peer or fulfillment
Posted deadlines and to-dos:
For the week of 1/27
- Review Alma Fulfillment training
- Fulfillment:
01 Working at the Circulation Desk (13 min)
02 Physical Item and Move Requests (12 min) 03 Course Reserves (13 min) 04 Booking Requests (7 min) 05 Digitization Requests (10 min) - Administration Fundamentals:
01 Organizational Structure (9 min)
02 Circulation Desks (9 min)
03 Fulfillment Units (8 min)
04 Additional Fulfillment Configurations (8 min) - 2/4 - Watch Alma Tools for Data Review training
- Analytics:
Introduction to Analytics (5-6 min)
Reports and Dashboards (20-23 min)
Providing Reports to Other Users (10-12) min
2/4 ExLibris/Library Meeting agenda – note: meeting has been extended to accommodate topic.
- Using Alma for Data Review presentation
Migration checklist might come in handy https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/M…
For the week of 2/11
- Review migrated test load data - submit questions
- Watch Alma Resource Sharing
- Introduction to Resource Sharing:
01 Resource Sharing Models (4 min)
02 Choosing a Resource Sharing Model (4 min)
03 Monitoring Resource Sharing Requests (5 min)
Peer to Peer Resource Sharing:
01 Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing (4 min)
02 Patron Requests in Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing (3 min)
03 End-to-End Staff Workflows in Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing (6 min)
04 Institution-Level Configurations for Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing (7 min)
05 Resource Sharing Library Configurations for Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing (4 min)
Fulfillment Networks Resource Sharing:
01 Introduction to Fulfillment Networks Resource Sharing (4 min)
02 Walk-In Scenario in a Fulfillment Network (4 min)
03 Direct Patron Requests in a Fulfillment Network (4 min)
04 End-to-End Staff Workflows for Direct Patron Requests (3 min)
05 Tracking Patron Resource Sharing Activities (2 min)
06 Configuring a Fulfillment Network (4 min)
07 Linking Users in a Fulfillment Network (4 min) - Reminder - Purchasing Workflows for Physical Resources on Wed. 2/12 at 10 CST
- Sign up here - 📢 2020 Alma Implementation Training
Ongoing Tasks
Post questions to Basecamp
Complete assigned trainings
Sign up for 📢 2020 Alma Implementation Training
Work towards Alma and Primo VE certification
Alma Admin Certification
Primo VE Certification
Archive completed threads in the Message Board
According to Basecamp To-Dos 00 - Key Alma-Primo VE Implementation Phase Milestones:
February 11, 2020 – Primo VE/First Look Production Environment Delivered for Testing
April 10, 2020 -- SIS load testing completed
April 22, 2020 – Authentication Configuration Complete
April 28-30, 2020 – ALMA Onsite Workshop
July 10, 2020 – Technical Freeze
July 3, 2020 – Critical 3rd party integrations completed
July 6, 2020 – Alma & Primo Certification Completed
July 24, 2020 - Fulfillment Freeze
July 12-26, 2020 – Cutover Load
July 29, 2020 – Go Live
** Keep track of any concerns/conflicts with the dates so they can be addressed by the PM team.
Problem tracking – Tracking link on ODIN website setup in progress. Not ready yet.