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Old Topics:
- Resource Type for eBooks
- Set up local resource type for audiobook and ebook in one sandbox, and set up secondary one in the other sandbox
- Resource types describe the type of material, and create facets in Primo VE. Then need to be set up in NZ and IZ for consistency, and everyone should agree on them. Tina noted that you can set up secondary resource types without the question of a locally created resource type coming into the picture at all. They are separate functionality and separate questions of whether you want to do them. Liz showed the group the use of secondary resource type ‘government documents’ by Orbis Cascade libraries. Once we decide on resource types we should bring our proposal to the Discovery user group.
- Tuya would like to see resource types for audiobooks and ebooks; Shelby would like to see resource type ebook; Tina has a concern about ebooks because we cannot apply resource types for CDI records so there would be an inconsistency.
- Liz will set up resource types for ebooks and audiobooks on one sandbox and secondary resource types for ebooks and audiobooks on the other sandbox.
- NDAC OverDrive MARC update – Last week started loading all the shared OverDrive records into the consortium collection in the NZ.
- Liz plans to check for newly shared titles each month and load them into the NZ.
- Find documentation about the “link to resource” from bottom of the primo record. We will add this to the agenda next time.
- Local field as access point to the vendor- 953 field
Open Discussion: - Marc Edit tricks and tips? Please post to the list anything you would like to see demonstrated.