December 2, 2019 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attending: Jenny (NDSU), Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (Mayville), Ben (Valley City), Drew (UND), Jasmine (NDJ), Laurie (UNE), Erika (UNF), Liz (NBJ), Megan (ODIN), Phyllis (TBI), Shari (UNW), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Lynn (ODIN)
Local fields mapping – PRIORITY – Final will be submitted on Basecamp this afternoon.
- Google docs link:
*** added 980, 981 for EDI fields .. OWN (975), STA (976) … LDR (977) and 008 (978) to be used for Analytics Approved by the group to move forward. Lynn posted on new Basecamp after meeting.
Final Migration Forms and P2E files – PRIORITY – Final documents will be submitted this afternoon.
- Attendees feel comfortable with information discussed the last 2 weeks and are ready to go. Megan put out the last call for any changes.
Data Cleanup progress:
- Questions or problems?
- Liz mentioned having 035 tags that started with $. Report was run and she was able to clean things up. Please put in a ticket if you would like similar report run for your library.
- Ben mentioned some records with multiple OCLC #s in the 035s (not vendor numbers but superseded oclc numbers). Shelby mentioned this had happened for a time after coming up on ALEPH. Lynn will try to isolate these records and send reports to libraries for manual cleanup.
Posted deadlines and to-dos:
- Items due Dec 3
NDSU Update non-CZ bib records with Normalization Job in Alma
NDSU Extract non-CZ BIB records & upload MARC file to MFT
** Jenny has been processing and some processes have taken up to 8 hours. - Before the meeting on 12/3:
Provide final migration forms by 12/2
Please review Alma Resource Management trainings
According to Basecamp To-Dos 00 - Key Alma-Primo VE Implementation Phase Milestones:
January 13, 2020 – Alma Test Load Migration Start
January 28, 2020 – Alma Production Environments Delivered for Testing
February 11, 2020 – Primo VE/First Look Production Environment Delivered for Testing
April 10, 2020 -- SIS load testing completed
April 22, 2020 – Authentication Configuration Complete
April 28-30, 2020 – ALMA Onsite Workshop
- Lynn will find dates to expand this list to include the Tech Freeze, Fulfillment Freeze, Certification due dates, etc.
- Question was also asked if the new Basecamp Tasks could be broken down by library so they may check off completed items. Lynn forwarded request to Joe.
Problem tracking – Tracking link on ODIN website setup pending.
- Lynn will request approximate target date but in the meantime you can submit HelpTickets and they will be added to the tracking when available.