Quarterly OAC Meeting - September

Sep 9 2024 | 10am - 12pm

The second Monday in the last month of each quarter at 10am seems to be working well and both Jolie and Jenna agreed so we will leave the OAC meetings there. Agendas and any special information will be shared in separate communications closer to each meeting. 

Agenda for Fall OAC

  • ODIN Director’s Report - Jason
  • State Librarian Updates - Mary
  • Patron Point (SMS/Email) Discussion – Jason
  • Skilltype - Jolie
  • Roundtable – All Libraries

Please send any Agenda items to myself (Jason.bedsaul@ndus.edu), Jolie (jolie.graybill@ndsu.edu)  or Jenna (Jenna.Kahly@westfargond.gov).

Hope to see everyone there and If you have any logistical questions or concerns, please send them my way.