P2E Cleanup - Electronic resources that migrated as physical materials

Create an analytics report of the electronic items that migrated as physical.

Usually, you will notice this after migration when physical items are in a location previously used for electronic resources, for example, a collection called ELEC. An analytics report is necessary because you will need URLs included in the report for clean up later.

  1. Analytics > Design analytics.
    Design analytics
  2. Click on Create and Analysis.
    Create analysis
  3. For the Subject Area choose Physical Items.
    Design analytics
  4. Open the folder for Bibliographic Details.
    Bibliographic details folder
  5. Double click on MMSID, Uniform Resource Identifier, Title (Filling), and Material Type to add them to your criteria.
    Initial criteria
  6. Now open the folder for Location, and double click on Location Code to add it to your criteria.
    Criteria with location code
  7. Now click on the gear symbol under the Location Code and select Filter from the drop-down menu.
    Filter location code
  8. A form appears to help you create the filter. Keep the Operator set to “is equal to / is in.” Use the drop-down box to select the location code for the electronic location. For our example, the code is ELEC. Click OK.
    Select filter criteria
  9. The criteria now look like this.
    Final analysis criteria
  10. Save the analysis by clicking on the symbol in the upper right of the screen. Name it something descriptive.
    Save button
  11. Click on the word Results at the top of the screen to see the results of your analysis.
    View results
    Results table
  12. Export the analysis in the form of an Excel spreadsheet to your computer.
    Export to Excel

    If you prefer a formatted Excel report, you can download one under the Formatted option. Review the spreadsheet.

    If there are rows that have no URL, delete those rows from the spreadsheet. records without URLs will have to be cleaned up separately from this procedure.

    Important: Save this report someplace you will remember. You will need to refer to this report for cleaning up your records later.

Create a set of Titles
  1. Create an itemized set with a spreadsheet of MMS IDs. You may want to break up your sets into multiple parts or do them all at once. Because you will be creating an import profile later that assigns material type, it is useful to break records into batches based on material type.
  2. If breaking your report into multiple parts, you copy and paste the parts into a new spreadsheet. Include the row headers, with the column header MMS ID in Column A. Alma will ignore the rest of the columns, but it may be nice for you to refer to the titles, so you can include them.
    Spreadsheet for batch
  3. Admin > Manage Sets.
    Manage sets
  4. Click Add set and select Itemized.
    Add itemized set
  5. Give the set a set name, make sure the content type is Titles, and upload your Excel file from your computer. Click Save.
    Set workform
Run a job to export bibliographic records (Exporting records does not delete them from Alma)
  1. Admin > Run a Job
    Run a Job
  2. Find the Export Bibliographic Records job. Select it. Click Next.
    Export bibliographic records
  3. Select the set of titles to export. Click Next.
    Select set to export
  4. Select the following parameters: Binary, MARC21 Bibliographic, if you are exporting a large batch of records have them break into batches of 1000 or 5000, select the expand routine to include holdings information, export to the Institution folder so ODIN staff can access it if necessary. Click Next. Click Submit.
    Export task parameters
  5. To download the files(s) to your computer. Go to Admin > Manage Exports.
    Manage imports
  6. Select the institution tab, select View Files from the row action menu.
    View files
  7. The export files appear, select Download.
    Select download
  8. Optional: Review the Downloaded records with MARC Edit (https://marcedit.reeset.net/)
  9. Open MARC Edit. Click on MarcEditor.
    Marc Edit
  10. Open your downloaded file. Review the files to make sure they look right, and to remind yourself how 856 fields constructed- for example notes are in $3 or in $z.
Delete the downloaded records from your Alma
  1. Click Admin > Run a Job
  2. Find the Delete Bibliographic records job. Click Next.
    Delete bibliographic records job
  3. Select the same file of titles that you exported in the previous step. Click Next. Click Submit.
Create an import profile
  1. Resources > Manage Import Profiles
    Manage import profiles
  2. Click on Add New Profile.
    Add new profile
  3. Select Profile Type: Repository and click Next.
  4. Fill in the form- unclick check for network zone, name the import profile, originating system is Other, physical source format is Binary. Click Next to go to the 3rd screen.
    Import profile
  5. On screens 3, 4, and 5 use the defaults. Click Next.
  6. On screen 6, select Electronic, and a form for electronic resources appears.
    Inventory operations
  7. The import will create standalone portfolios. We will add them to a collection in a later step. Use these settings:
    Import settings

    Material type is Book for this example. Refer to your spreadsheet, and export by material type so you can import and create the correct material type.

    856 42 indicates that the link is not to the resource itself, so do not create portfolios for those links.

    If you want to include the public note from $z or $3 you would put it further down on the form:
    Public note setting

    At the bottom of the form make sure you check Activate Resource. Click Save to save the Import Profile.
    Activate resource
Load your records into Alma using the new import profile
  1. Resources > Import
  2. Select the import profile you are going to use and select Run from the row action menu.
    Select import profile
  3. Select the file of bibliographic records that you downloaded to your computer in step 4. Click Add.
    Select file to import
  4. On the next screen click Submit to start the import.
    Click submit to start import
  5. Once the file is finished importing, view the Report.
    View report
  6. Note that you can have more portfolios than records processed because a bibliographic record may have a url for more than one portfolio on it.
  7. You may also want to spot check your records by looking up titles in Alma from your spreadsheet in step 1.
    Spot check spreadsheet
    Spot check result
Create a Local Electronic Collection
  1. Use your spreadsheet to identify collections to group your electronic resources- for example, Netlibrary or JSTOR.
  2. Create a local electronic collection. Resources > Add Local Electronic Collection.
    Add local electronic collection
  3. Give the local electronic collection a name and set the collection type and service type. Click Save and continue.
    local electronic collection workform
  4. Change service activation to Available.
    Service activation
  5. Click the next tab Service Description. It should say Full Text.
  6. Click the Linking tab. Fill this tab in according to your collection. If the links must be proxied as for Netlibrary you would put that information here: Proxy enabled: Yes, and Select your proxy from the drop-down box.
    Proxy enabled
  7. Click Save and Save again.
Create a set of portfolios to add to the local electronic collection
  1.  Search your institution for Electronic portfolios | Is Standalone | Equals | Yes then add a line AND Electronic Portfolio: URL |Contains keywords | part of the url you are searching for.
    *It is very important to include the line “Is Standalone Equals Yes” because you do not want to take actions on portfolios that are already set up in another collection.
    Portfolios search
  2. Save your query as a set.
    Save query
  3. Give your set of portfolios a name and save it.
    Set workform
Add the set of portfolios to the local electronic collection
  1. Search for your electronic collection. For example, Electronic collection | Electronic collection name| Netlibrary
  2. Click the row action menu for the electronic collection and click Edit Service.
    Edit service
  3. Click on the Portfolios tab. Then click +Add and Add from Set.
    Add from set
  4. Select the set of portfolios from the list and click Submit.
  5. You will receive a message asking you to confirm this process, click Confirm.
Editing portfolio URLs to remove proxy information

Review your spreadsheet and note whether you have bibs that matched with records from another library during migration. The URLs will have that library’s proxy information:

Another library's proxy
  1. Create a set of portfolios to update. Conduct a search for all the portfolios in a collection and save the query. For example:
    Search for portfolios by collection
  2. Admin > Run a Job.
  3. We have set up our library’s proxy information in the Service of the electronic collection. So, we will delete the proxy information from the URLs. Select the job “Change electronic portfolio information.” Click Next.
    Change electronic portfolio information
  4. Select the set of portfolios:
    Select the set
  5. Click Next. For the line “Delete or replace url’s prefix” type in the proxy prefix in the box and leave the “with” box blank. Click Next.
    Delete prefix line
  6. You will see a confirmation page showing what will be done. Click Submit. You will see a confirmation message. Click Confirm. The job runs.
  7. Search for some of the portfolios from the spreadsheet and see that the URLs are correct. Check the service of the collection to make sure the proxy is there (not in the portfolio record). View the portfolios in Discovery and check that they work.
Clean up

Once you have all your new electronic collections set up, there may be some portfolios left over.

  1. You may want to look over your spreadsheet from step 1 and sort it by URL. Are there any portfolios in there from collections your library does not have access to? This could have happened because your library’s bibliographic records matched against another library’s bibliographic records during migration and the other library had the portfolio in multiple collections.
  2. As an example, a library might see these urls that look unfamiliar from Cornell that they don't have access to.
    Unusual urls
  3. Search your institution for Electronic portfolios | Is Standalone | Equals | Yes then add a line AND Electronic Portfolio: URL |Contains keywords | part of the url you are searching for, in this case, encompass.library.cornell.edu.
  4. Save the query as a set.
    Save query
  5. Give the set a name and Save.
    Save the set
  6. Run a job to delete these portfolios. Admin > Run a Job. Type “portfolios” in the description box, click the magnifying glass to filter the jobs to those applying to portfolios. Select the job, “Delete portfolios.” Click Next.
    Delete portfolios
  7. Select the set of portfolios to delete. Click Next.
  8. Set your delete policy. It is best to choose to delete bibliographic records without inventory. Click Next.
    Delete policy
  9. Review the job information click Submit. A confirmation message appears, click Confirm.
  10. After the job has been completed, review the job report to make sure there were no errors.
  11. Repeat this step until all unwanted portfolios are removed from your Alma.