Primary Lost/Damaged Consortia Item Contact
    Renee Newton
    Assistant Dir./Circ. Services

    Our Mission Statement:
    Enriching our community, Igniting curiosity, and Nourishing minds

    Our Core Values:
    We welcome everyone.
    We are knowledgeable, creative, and committed to excellence.
    We believe in literary freedom and diversity.
    We respect each other and all of our guests.

    Our Goals and Objectives:
    1. Provide access and availability to an array of resources that promote literacy and life-long learning opportunities.
    2. Maintain and update the library facility, grounds, and bookmobile to provide an environment that is welcoming, safe, and comfortable.
    3. Ensure that the community is served by a friendly, welcoming, knowledgeable, and professional team committed to excellent customer service.
    4. Provide opportunities for community members of all ages to learn, create, and acquire new information and skills through innovative library programming and community partnerships.
    5. Provide access to current technology and connections to the digital world.
    6. Promote the library’s services and programs while working actively to enhance the quality of life in our community.

    12793 20th St
    Medora, ND 58645
    United States

    Name Title Phone Number
    Jayda Borah Marketing and Outreach Services Librarian 701-456-7700
    Grant Carlson Collection Development Librarian 701-456-7831
    Jaylene Kovash Interlibrarian Loan Librarian 701-456-7037
    Renee Newton Assistant Director & Circulation Services Librarian 701-456-7023
    Jade Praus Children & Youth Services Librarian 701-456-7826
    Cindy Thronburg Cataloging Librarian 701-456-7827
    Rachel Waldo Teen and Young Adult Services Librarian 701-456-7027
    NUC Code
    OCLC Code

    Prairie School Library - Fairfield - Interlibrary Loan Department


    Jaylene Kovash
    Prairie School Library - Fairfield
    139 3rd Street West
    Dickinson, ND 58601
    United States

    ALL ILL materials should be returned to the Dickinson Public Library