Polaris Cataloging User Group - August 22, 2019

Aug 22 2019 | 10 - 11am

Polaris Cataloging Group August 22, 2019


  1. Task 
    1. Finalize Collection Names (due date: 9/20 so would like to have final document prepared by 9/12) – review collection name (especially for your library) and consider name, format, uniqueness. Goal: concise, focused, and standardized list of collection names across our libraries. Discussion will be on-going. Spreadsheet attached.
    2. Does everyone have client installed and able to access? If not, please submit ticket.
    3. ODIN website has Polaris tab (must be signed in). Quick Links include Tickets submitted for Review and Polaris FAQ.
  2. Migration Discussion Topics
    1. Call numbers – subfield labels were displaying in Availability (example: $$kAB$hROW and $$hPZ7.R79835$$iHar 1999b) – REPORTED TO POLARIS requesting subfield labels not be displayed in PAC – STATUS: ready soon
    2. Call numbers – some are blank – due to no HOL record or improper format Call No info in item record (usually no subfield codes) – lists were sent to affected libraries requesting cleanup.
    3. Description field from ALEPH was not being displayed – if enum/chrono is present, information will map to Volume field in Polaris. If it is not present, description will map to PhysicalCondition – REPORTED TO POLARIS for data correction – STATUS: ready soon
    4. Internal Note from ALEPH was not being displayed – field will be mapped to Non-PublicNote in Polaris – REPORTED TO POLARIS – STATUS: ready soon
    5. Diacritics did not come over correctly (example Shari Lapeña) – REPORTED TO POLARIS
    6. Overdrive record/eBooks – Kristen’s email on 8/15 – currently a handful of libraries have records loaded locally from Overdrive. The Overdrive topic is on Agenda for future discussion. STATUS: pending
    7. Authorities – ZMARC currently on system for evaluation. Information regarding authorities was sent to Kristen for review and testing. STATUS: pending tests
    8. Noncirculating collections – have been identified. REPORTED TO POLARIS – STATUS: in progress
    9. Grouping/Matching records – specifically OCLC numbers – need to investigate further. Provide very specific examples so they can be evaluated by Ann’s team. Conference call may be needed at a different date but need the examples and writeup before we get to that point. STATUS: review and documentation.
  3. Other Discussion Topics
    1. 035 $z – should that be moved to 019 – Kristen to supply more info.
    2. 100 $e author – consistent treatment – Kristen to supply more info?
    3. PAC slow response time last week – REPORTED TO POLARIS – STATUS: Resolved. There was an issue with Syndetics job running which was addressed and acceptable response time was noted.