Feb 19
Member updates
Amy – NDSCS - Post on 3/1 our social media to promote NDSCS's institutional repository and the NDUS OER website. Other than that - I am working on Netlibrary clean-up project. Liz from ODIN has been working on duplicative Netlibrary books – she sent out instructions; there may duplicates showing up because of Ebsco results too.
Brittany, Holly, Shelby, Zeineb – UND – Open Educational Resources Week March 1-5th - lot of promotion, Bismarck Conference registration open – instructors sharing experiences
Discussion about whether to add OERs to Primo or not – have to work with catalogers so that there’s an Alma record for it. Amy NDSU could add them as course reserves – heavily used by students and would more easily find them. Shelby UND – local fields are problematic as far as restrict/limit search results to them – Amy NDSCS said: Trish Caldwell (Library Director) helped me add all of NDSCS's OER to our catalog. I was thinking of making a "OER" collection (w/Collection Discovery) but have not done it yet. Monica – leganto add on for course reserves slow going – current problem with Blackboard linking, working with campus distance ed for one of the classes but working smoothly in other classes - (may want to reach out to Valley City for Blackboard integration questions)
Kelly – Mayville – presenting at the Bismarck conference on getting a certificate on Creative Commons – paid for with a grant from NDUS – she is happy to share information on applying. Doing more stuff with Libguides/making videos (her How to Inter-library Loan is on our Team now – she will put more on there – cc licensed)
Liz, Lynn, Nicole, Jason –ODIN - There was a very informative ExLibris session on setting up some of these search interfaces earlier this week - collections and displays. When they release it, would be happy to share and we can see about setting things up and sharing. Setup on Sandbox and can demonstrate at next session
Monica - Dickinson- some instruction – lot of composition 2s will be coming in – get them into the databases moreso than Primo – depends on the research task – lot of work involved in getting instructors interested in using leganto – focusing on promoting AVON linking next, having AVON titles in Primo is definitely helping findability
Sharing instruction/assessment/hands on activities
Not directly related to PrimoVE but interesting to capture: Kelly uses the 1980s panic of children and satanic cults – how that was debunked as a way to “get at” some of the similar misinformation happening today – a cautionary tale without directly wading into a current politicized hot topic. She mentioned the book: SATAN'S SILENCE: RITUAL ABUSE AND THE MAKING OF A MODERN AMERICAN WITCH HUNT by Debbie Nathan
Other discussion items
Kristen thanked Beth for running the Jan meeting and will type up some brief notes and capture information about the teaching materials in Teams in the main channel.
Kelly shared how they teach using “Fetch Item” (Citation Linker) when you have a citation so that you’re either connected to the item or prompted to log in to Request via ILL. However, if you put in a Title/Author to an Ebsco-held item you are taken to a dead end, but if you do that search in the PrimoVE search you do successfully connect to the article. Liz M. has been working on this issue:
Discovery meetings will be folded into the Instruction meetings to be held the 3rd Friday of the month – Jason will send out new calendar invites