April 16
Liz will demonstrate creating collections - will put instructions in teams
Discussion about making the images look good
NDSCS tried to create one with games but they displayed as books – Liz will look into this
How are new titles done – could this be automatic? Could do a search on creation date and make a set OR title by title as cataloged; NDSU has a logical set for that (Jenny) but there’s some manual aspects in running it; but this could be pulling in new records vs actual new items so having a temporary location can assist on that; more specific sets are curated by subject librarians
Can manage material type by connecting on title level (MMSID)
https://ndsu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/collectionDiscovery?vid=01ODIN_NDSU:ndsu (will make sure this on the teams list too)
Assessment? Primo Analytics should be able to offer information – maybe Google analytics - Jason can look at this more to see if Google analytics workaround
It only looks like Analytics can only give counts of access to collections, but not which ones are accessed
URLs to collections are being embedded in research guides/sent in emails at NDSU
Member Updates
NDSCS / Amy - finished Netlibrary cleanup; added some companion collections that Liz had assembled – Consumer Health and Science
NDSU / Amy, Jenny, Beth - working with Liz on getting a GovDoc search working – there's a couple different ways and currently using a local resource type but there’s another ways and can do show and tell in future – Liz thinks we need to decide on one way because of changes in Network Zone / Shelby wonders why that’s the case - we need more in-depth conversation on this; major restructuring of website/libguides/tutorials - want to leverage Alma Primo more - Question – more/different meetings for this. Congrats to Susanne: http://www.ala.org/rt/2021-godort-award-winners
Minot State University / Julia
UND – CFL / Kristen, Laura, Zeineb, Shelby - attending ACRL, completing digital workshop series, will be meeting with local Primo group, we hired a new system librarian – Emily who’s been at CARLI and has Alma experience and done coding
UND – Law / Laurie
University of Jamestown / Phyllis
Mayville – Kelly – attended virtual HLC meeting – co-curricular /assessing student learning – Beth is working on campus too and can share - Kristen wants to be included – think about setting up something parallel – NDUS is starting conversation on this
ODIN updates
Jason reporting on downtime
Enhancement voting – Next time
“Fetch” problem linking out to Ebsco status? - answer from Ex Libris yet? - Liz reported that more metadata is needed – put as much as possible – Vol, Date, etc.
Problem linking to Gale resources?
Possibly of interest - IET (Institution of Engineering & Technology) moved to open access journals in Wiley for 2013+. We figured out their 40+ journals are in this part of the Primo Central if anyone else wants to activate them - IET, 2013 to Present in Shelby activated it for UND - except for one of them but she contacted the vendor. *Wiley Open Access Collection it was supposed to say where that link is.
Other Discussion Items
LibGuides and Primo: https://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/261303 - note we don’t have resource recommender because additional cost
NDLA AS&L program ideas? Chair elect, Brittany Fischer
Personalizing results
Managing display of results