UPDATE – 12/7/21 – meeting canceled
I did not receive any agenda items for discussion for December so I am canceling this meeting. In keeping with the 2nd Wednesday of each month, our next meeting will be January 12th from 10-11 am. We will be switching to Teams meetings since that has been working well for other groups already. Invites will be sent out and I will be looking forward to seeing as many members as possible there.
This is the monthly user group meeting to discuss Discovery/PAC issues related to ODIN Libraries using Polaris. We meet from 10-11 am central on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Please send along topics for the agenda at least a couple days prior to the scheduled meeting to the ODIN Facilitator or listserv listed below.
If you would like to attend the meeting, but do not have the meeting link, please send an email to ODINHELP@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU and we will forward a link to you.
Connect with the group
- User Group Page: https://www.odin.nodak.edu/pks/discovery/group
- ODIN Facilitator - Lynn Wolf (lynn.wolf@ndus.edu)