October 12, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Stan (UND), Shari (UNW), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- Browsing call numbers and cutters used in 099 tags,
- NMI -- cutters with 092 for children’s collections, virtual browse uses 050 instead of 090 (based on bib record rather than holding) – STATUS: Fiction that use 099 still problematic.
- Ben NDV –prefixes are not included (JUV …)
- NDJ – dewey looks better but children’s fiction (cutter #s in 099) are still a problem.
- UND “Other type” appears to be sorting by “whole number” rather than digit-by-digit. Updated SF ticket.
UPDATE: Children’s should be better --- theses still an issue. Updates for the other problems?
- Shelby created norm rule to delete undesirable fields from OCLC records import. STATUS: Jason has information and working on implementing. UPDATE?
- NetLibrary/EBSCOeBooks problem for several libraries. STATUS: Jenny gave presentation in ACQ group. Will be sharing documentation with ACQ and CAT groups.
- Libraries will need to identify the titles involved. Reports from ECM My Owned Titles list, filter by SHARED PURCHASE, most records have MII.
- Overdrive access issue – STATUS: Still working on NDUS dual enrollment and community patrons.
- Demo for fixing eBooks/NetLibrary issue by Jenny at ACQ User Group 9/21 meeting. Jenny will be sending NetLibrary documentation when it is completed. Questions?
- Authorities – Preferred Terms Correction (info sent to listserv 9/17 pm). https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/14394235/messages/3040287105#__r…
- Authorities – preferred term turned on for UND (Shelby) and NDSU (Tina) to review – update?
- Authorities Task List
- NZ related issues
- NMY Overdrive 856 tags removed in OCLC still coming across. In Primo, they say Check holdings if you want to see the call numbers displayed. Change CHECK HOLDINGS to something else (Click here to check holdings)?
- NMY – The Coddling of the American mind – format/media limited choices set up through portfolio. Might have to verify fixed fields in bib to make sure it is correct. Update?
- New question to think about: Hathi Trust Serials come in with a lot of URLs attached (including many google links). If individual library cleans up some of the extra links in the IZ but record is still linked to NZ, it will get updated and wipe up all the work. https://help.oclc.org/WorldCat/Metadata_Quality/Frequently_asked_questi…
- NDI found a record to use from NZ but could not find an OCLC number on the record. How to update holdings with OCLC if cannot find OCLC number? Shelby responded it may be part of a package in the CZ and she has run into this scenario also. Find the resource in OCLC and F8 to add (this way if you have to withdraw the item later, it will be easier to clean up at OCLC also). Anything further update?
New Topics:
- Diacritics and special characters (Tina’s email to list) – verified UTF-8 is being used on export and not MARC-8. Latin and Greek and French and Arabic – came from OCLC with 880 tags and nothing comes through in English. Liz said she uses Harvard’s guide to copy and paste: https://wiki.harvard.edu/confluence/display/LibraryStaffDoc/Guide+to+En…
- Discussion on Cataloging ebooks and changing URLS (listserv traffic from 9/21 am).
- Define what is needed: purchased vs free resources, NetLibrary, timeframe.
- Starting point for review:
https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Alma_Essentials/Alma_… https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Training/Extended_Training/Pre… - 856 -- how to edit and what should be in there
- Electronic Gov Docs – UND puts in IZ, NDSU (Tina) is interested in NZ placement
- NZ overlay/links
- Order records are in the NZ – should they be or should they be in IZ?
- Long term goal – 856 Ind2=0 cleanup
- NDSU – Jenny - at some point, we could aim for not displaying 856 links in the 'Links' area of the Primo display (but URL in portfolio would still display in the 'View Online' section).
- Keep 'Display Source Record' link so we have the MARC view.
- We'd want 856s with second indicator 1 or 2 to display, since those are supplemental material, other versions, etc.
- 856 41 and 42 could be foreign and can be problematic.
- What should be put in NZ vs IZ? OER and textbooks are examples. JSTOR EBA in IZ due to frequency of change. NDI said OER in NZ would be great.
- State documents both ALMA and Polaris.
- Delay in OCLC loading – NMY has noticed it will sometimes be caused by previous record already in NZ but maybe different form. Not everything seems to make it in.
- Issue with batch changes to record sets for Shelby – bring them in, change in MARCEdit and then reload. NDSU will try and let us know.