November 25, 2019 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attending: Jenny (NDSU), Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (Mayville), Ben (Valley City), Drew (UND), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Julia (NMI), Laurie (UNE), Erika (UNF), Liz (NBJ), Megan (ODIN), Phyllis (TBI), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Lynn (ODIN)
Local fields mapping –
- Google docs link:
- Leah asked about OWN and STA fields for both this document and the 9XX Hol tab. Do we want to retain these tags and map to the local field range? Are there any other fields we need to include?
- I've noticed that non-standard Aleph fields (ex: STA, OWN) were not included in the "ODIN-Alma Local Field Mapping" document. Please map these fields to local fields if you want to preserve them in local Alma institutions.
- Please fill in tab '9XX Hol' if you want to migrate non-standard Aleph holding fields (ex: STA, OWN) to Alma Holdings 9XX fields. Alma Holdings will reside in your local Alma Institution and will not be linked to the Network Zone.
*** also adding 980, 981 for EDI fields .. OWN (975), STA (976) … LDR (977) and 008 (978) to be used for Analytics
Data Cleanup progress:
- OCLC number cleanup: great progress has been made for most libraries. Second pass was run and distributed late last week.
- Examples should be collected for each of these mapping points so they can be tested after the first load. The more examples, the better the testing. Two sets of testing should be done --- one for how the records migrated to NZ (the first week) and the other for how they behave when modifying.
Posted deadlines and to-dos:
- Items due from sites Nov 15
Provide Aleph Fix Routine parameters - one for all of ODIN
Configure & test Alma Normalization Rule [NDSU]
SFX decision for odin_nds: migrate to NZ or to each appropriate IZ (ODIN Office)
NZ load order (received) - Due From ExLibris Nov 15:
Feedback on Migration Forms
Updated Migration Forms
Feedback on P2E files - Items due Nov 29 (after updated versions and comments posted)
Final versions Migrations forms and P2E (after ODIN Office downloads new versions & reviews Nov 18) - Items due Dec 3
NDSU Update non-CZ bib records with Normalization Job in Alma
NDSU Extract non-CZ BIB records & upload MARC file to MFT
According to Basecamp To-Dos 00 - Key Alma-Primo VE Implementation Phase Milestones:
November 26th – Implementation Phase Kick-Off
January 13, 2020 – Alma Test Load Migration Start
January 28, 2020 – Alma Production Environments Delivered for Testing
February 11, 2020 – Primo VE/First Look Production Environment Delivered for Testing
April 10, 2020 -- SIS load testing completed
April 22, 2020 – Authentication Configuration Complete
April 28-30, 2020 – ALMA Onsite Workshop
Problem tracking – Tracking link on ODIN website will be set up. Tickets already submitted via Remedy with concerns for the Implementation Team:
- SFX checking for UND
- Physical and electronic holdings – Jenny demo’ed Agriculture yearbook in ALMA and Primo for multiple URLs in one title (HathiTrust example at 48 minute mark of recording). NDSU has some titles with multiple records that are dedup’ed via Primo VE.