November 8, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
Attendees: Amy Carson, Lisa Grover, Shelby Harken, Julia Cater, Michael Lewis, Benjamin Ferguson, Staci Green, Jenny Grasto, Linda Olson, Jasmine Lee, Felecia Clifton, Phyllis Kuno, Jason Bedsaul, Liz Mason
Ongoing Topics:
- Network Zone: prepping for Merge and Combine Inventory
- On September 29 Liz loaded a set of records with a brief rule based on the content of the record, then on October 22 she loaded the same set of records again with a brief level rule based on encoding level of the record.
- Discussion: Did people have an opportunity to look at these records? How did people feel the process went each time the records were loaded? Shelby shared her document where she compared records from the first and second batch. Liz did a quick poll even though we didn’t have very many people at the meeting (results: 3 voted for brief level based on encoding level; 3 voted I choose neither one.) We have decided maybe we need more looking. Shelby pointed out that the point of the brief level is to aid in overlaying records, and she thinks that with encoding level they may not result in a consistent understanding by all of us what it is based upon. Look for next time, they are currently based upon encoding level. If that isn’t acceptable, we may have to come up with something else.
New Topics:
- Discussion topic from Staci Green: How are libraries handling records that have fields in foreign languages and extra 856 fields?
- Discussion about these fields in the bib record. She is interested to hear what others are doing. She is mostly concerned about the links because they may frustrate their users. Shelby asked what other libraries were doing about this. Liz asked if you could just remove library specific links from the OCLC record and replace it. Shelby said she didn’t think you should do that. That perhaps those libraries had an agreement with OCLC to have those links there. It is okay to remove a link that is totally wrong, but it takes time to verify that the link is totally wrong. Shelby says she has some electronic collections they are paying for that none of the other libraries in the consortia have access to anyway, so she is putting those in the IZ and for those she is removing all access points that are not for UND. For resources that are free, then those can be in the network zone, and she leaves all the access points on those records. Jenny said that NDSU would maintain the link they needed for access before they had the network zone. It is possible that users will see the link at the top of the record and not use the links located at the bottom of the record. Staci agrees, but the example she shared was link that were on physical books, so they do not have a link in the “get it” section of the record. Initially we decided that it is okay to delete urls that we did not feel were appropriate. However, if someone edits and replaces the OCLC record, it will just come into ODIN NZ again and the url(s) will be added back to the record. Shelby is not worrying about urls on print records, but she is usually more concerned about links on electronic resources. Jenny pointed out that you can hide the display of the links section in Primo, but she believes it is an all or nothing, so you would also lose the link to view your source record as well. Question from Jenny: If you are importing a batch of records and they have multiple 856s on them, is it going to generate multiple portfolios? Answer: no, it will only make a portfolio from the first 856 link. Important to remember when you have a link for volume one and two, so you must remember to go back and make a portfolio for volume two.
- Alma November release: New Physical Holdings search option – “The holdings search provides the ability to search holdings based on title, holding, and item information. The retrieved results provide the list of holdings records that match the defined search criteria, along with the titles for these holdings, and the items that are associated with these holdings. This search option allows librarians to have direct access to multiple titles and provides more accurate results for holdings-level records by library.”
- Liz showed what the new Physical Holdings search looks like in Alma.
- Change Physical Items Information Job- just a heads up that when you are using this job to add notes to a set of items, when you select the conditions “Unconditionally” or “Only if the field is not empty” the new note will replace the note content, it does not append to existing content.