January 11, 2021 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine, Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Linda (ODIN), Liz (ODIN), Lynn (ODIN), Nicole (ODIN), Phyllis B, Shari (UNW), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Shari (UNW), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- Authorities – Preferred Terms Correction (info sent to listserv 9/17).
- Authorities – preferred term turned on for UND (Shelby) and NDSU (Tina) to review – UPDATE: Concern is that if you update the record in Alma it may be overwritten by a new record. Best practice would be to update the record in OCLC. There was no further discussion.
- NZ related issues
- Shelby had issue with batch changes to record sets – she would bring them in, change in MARCEdit and then reload.-- UPDATE: Shelby looked into inventory management for access to subscribed ebooks/ejournals, etc. After some different setups it looks like she could do that for the three UND libraries, and besides those, maybe it could be used for BSC and NDI students that need to use the same resources. Each library would need to make sure vendor have correct IP ranges, etc.
- Bound with/associated bibs 773 tags for NDSU did not migrate as local to new ALMA instance. ALEPH group they did. -- UPDATE: SF case #00900505 created 11/18/20 for ExL to investigate. Ex Libris asked for more information last week. Shelby can’t see why some of UND’s migrated right and others did not. Tina is going to pull together some examples.
- 760 standing orders in sets not a protected field by default so could be overlaid unless you use $9LOCAL to make it local. Drew (UND) has future cataloging related to this and will check how things work there. UPDATE: Drew: adding local $9 seems makes the field a protected local field. It works!
- Updating 035 OCLC numbers when OCLC changes – UPDATE:
- Liz and Jason changed the import profile back to merge (12/15). When checking the import profile report and reviewing the records that reportedly have merged it appears to be working. However, we still have questions about those records that do not appear to be merged. We will continue to investigate what is working and what is not. Shelby is just not seeing it. We may need to switch back to overlay.
- Shelby can edit when only her library has item - it was a NZ record and appeared to allow the update. Edits should be made in OCLC so changes don’t get removed later.
- Appears import profile is matching on the “old” OCLC number but not updating it. Has anyone encountered this since last meeting? Last time we saw this issue was several months ago? Does this impact interlibrary loan?
- Best Practice – Should each library do own cleanup or someone appointed/allowed? Should have recommendation after further testing. Laurie: Is it okay to delete a bibliographic record if you are the last library to have that record? Bringing in a new record from OCLC is good. It is preferable to not have bibs without items in the network zone. Group agrees it is okay to delete the bibliographic record when deleting the last item.
- MDE slow in New UI – Reported to ExL in SF#00895869 – UPDATE: Developers announced this problem has been fixed and it is scheduled to be part of the February 2021 release. There is a new metadata editor webinar on Jan. 19. This website has the listing of new and past webinars: https://exlibrisgroup.com/customer-education-webinars/
- What topics would you like to see covered in documentation, training seminars or next ODIN Work Day? Please submit to odin-acad-cat@listserv.nodak.edu or odinhelp@listserv.nodak.edu UPDATE: Ginny is working on Work Day(s) agenda. Tentatively sessions should start in January. Sessions are expected to be 30-60 minutes in length and presented a few in a week. Watch for more details as they are finalized but please send in requests for sessions you would like to see AND volunteer to present sessions you can share!
New Topics:
- Email to list 1/6 there is a problem with the “Link a set of records to the Network Zone” job. When a record matches an NZ record it makes a duplicate record and appears to make the inventory disappear. Shelby hasn’t seen this happen in timeframe of this email. Did see duplicate records in the network zone several months ago, but those may not have been related.