August 31, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Felecia (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Julia (NMI), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Liz (NBJ), Shari (UNW), Staci (NDI), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- UND - browsing call numbers, UND - cutters used in 099 tags, NMI -- cutters with 092 for children’s collections, virtual browse uses 050 instead of 090 (based on bib record rather than holding) – problem listed in Basecamp.
- Children’s fiction call numbers are often not in order (TD12709890/SF00821559). UPDATE: Case sent to development issue should be fixed in the September 2020 release. Deletes/updates processing – UPDATE: Configuration fixed. Further testing needed.
- UND has trouble matching with brief order records in the IZ – Felecia sent examples – waiting on workflows.
- Shelby sent email 8/5 - norm rule delete undesirable fields from OCLC records that are imported daily for discussion. Last week discussions included 653 being used. 690 field for notes and ND author but 691 should be ND Author. Further discussion? Please review.
- Premium sandbox – need user credentials assigned and then ready to roll out – Ginny working on
- NetLibrary/EBSCOeBooks problem for several libraries. Need further investigation to define issue.
- Overdrive access issue – temporary fix via ALEPH – working on access solution for ALMA.
- OCLC ODINA daily extracts – discuss if workflow changes are needed.
Note: Info on
Due to OCLC file delivery and Alma import profile schedules, records edited in Connexion will be updated in Alma two business days after the Connexion update. If immediate updating of a bib record in Alma is desired, release the record from the Alma Metadata Editor and export (F5) the record from Connexion to the Network Zone. - Bib importing not bringing in updated record from OCLC (NDSU reported). More information is being gathered and tracked – UPDATE? Shelby contacted OCLC and documentation indicated the “updates” files also need to be processed. Discussion on how best to proceed and if it was ok with all to do the testing. Shelby will be sending the files to the odin-acad-cat list. Jason is running the updates from Aug 1st through 9th. Everyone should evaluate their changes and post in Basecamp as to what they are seeing – good and bad.…
New Topics:
- Outstanding go-live readiness list items – any updates? Areas you may need help?