Comments/Questions? - None
Ongoing Topics:
- OCLC Streamlined holdings project update (NMY and NDSU) – Tina reported that at NDSU they finally completed the project successfully. It was a long arduous process. Something kept going wrong with the validation at OCLC. The records would validate fine in metadata editor, but they were failing with the validation that OCLC was using. When NDSU migrated into ODIN they mapped some the fixed fields of their records into 9xx fields, and they finally realized that this was causing the validation to fail. They stripped those out the records and then it worked. Another thing of note that they learned is that their local holding records have not been updated in a long time, and they were not worth updating. They asked OCLC to delete them and NDSU will create them again. Shelby asked if the holdings records deleted were only for serials or for any format. Tina stated that they were for any format, and that OCLC sent them a backup to refer to if they need it.
Kelly stated that NMY's load didn’t match very well at first, and with help from Liz doing a match they were left with about 2000 items that didn’t match between the two systems. She had OCLC run it again after the information about the 9xx fields, but there wasn’t much improvement. So in the end, she started comparing the list of 2000 items and found that for about 15% of those there is a holding OCLC and the book is on the shelf, but there is no record in Alma. She is going to have a student worker work on the list as a project. - Alma NERS results – I believe Ex Libris will develop in the year beginning in September after the IGELU meeting:
- Primo NERS results:
New Topics:
- Alma August release (…)
- New Feature Rollout Configuration- see:…
- Also, individual users can activate new features for themselves from the User menu > Feature Rollout Configuration
- Enhanced copy-paste options in the metadata editor
- Enhanced change physical items information job report
- Item Retention Indication for Managing Collaborative Collections-The following fields were added for physical items: Committed to Retain, Retention Note, and Retention Reason (the list of reasons can be configured by an administrator).
- New Collection Management Level Indication for Community Zone Collections
- Here are the Management Level options:
- Ex Libris (Managed by Ex Libris)
- Community (Managed on title level by community)
- Not maintained (The vendor no longer supports this collection - this is a dynamic list that will continue to be assessed by Ex Libris Content Operations over time)
- Contributed by Institution (Collection contributed and managed by an Alma institution)
- Here are the Management Level options:
- Alma Portfolio loader supports KBART format files
- Automatic Upload Electronic Holdings from Taylor and Francis, see…
- Alma Release Schedule is now available in the Alma UI- It’s under the Help Menu
- Primo VE: Option to set secondary resource type in facets and prefilters. If secondary resource types are set at the IZ level, they are applied to IZ records. If secondary resource types are set in the NZ, they are applied to all NZ records. Resource types could be a good topic for an open discussion topic. This is something where it would be good to consult with reference people about to see if there are certain secondary types they would like to see in the facets. We will place this as an open discussion topic for October.
- Do we want to meet in September since so many will be busy with the start of classes? We will see if agenda items come up and we will cancel if there aren’t any.
- Tuya has a large serials weeding project, is there a place she should offer her serials list? Is anybody interested in print serials? Also if anyone has any instructions on batch withdrawing serials send them her way. How did people dispose of their serial volumes? It is likely that no one will want them so just recycle them. Since UJ is not part of the NDUS you can just recycle them.
Open Discussion: - None