August 10, 2020 – Academic Cataloging Group Notes
ATTENDING: Amy (NDSCS), Aubrey (NMY), Ben (NDV), Drew (UND), Ginny (ODIN), Jasmine (NDJ), Jason (ODIN), Jenny (NDSU), Kelly (NMY), Laurie (UNE), Linda (ODIN), Megan (ODIN), Phyllis (TBI), Phyllis Bratton, Shari (UNW), Shelby (UND), Staci (NDI), Stan (UND), Tina (NDSU), Lynn (ODIN)
Data Cleanup/Data Review:
- NMI - Primo one item said ONLINE when they had online, print and microform, UND - browsing call numbers, UND - cutters used in 099 tags, NMI -- cutters with 092 for children’s collections, virtual browse uses 050 instead of 090 (based on bib record rather than holding) – problem listed in Basecamp. Any changes after migration?
- Children’s fiction call numbers are often not in order (TD12709890/SF00821559). UPDATE: Case sent to development for “re-sorting after second try” and request to Shelby to send call number that do not resort after pressing Go again.
- Deletes/updates processing – UPDATE: Configuration fixed. Further testing needed.
New Topics:
- OCLC ODINA daily extracts – resumed last week – any issues? Tina said they have noticed most of the time it takes 2 days to show up. Jason switched the process from 1 am to 3 am to see if that will make a difference.
- Recommended way to find your title, ALL TITLES OCLC number 035a+z in the NZ and plop your oclc number in and it should search for your record in the NZ. Then you need to add holdings and item.
- Staci (NDI) could also pull her record up in the MD Editor using the OCLC number in the system number field.
- Aubrey had a record match on the 010 for a totally different title. ** check out matching and merging methodology.
- Laurie – copy cataloging from required external sources discussion – answer YES on checklist.
- Shelby sent email 8/5 - norm rule delete undesirable fields from OCLC records that are imported daily for discussion. ** 653 being used. 690 field for notes and ND author but 691 should be ND Author. Will plan to finalize during Aug 24th meeting.
- NOTE: in OCLC make sure you use F8 so it runs through the script and the new/best record comes through.
- Tina (NDSU) – how records get into ODIN – what happens to record in ODIN’s NZ when library adds holding in OCLC? Clarify which item ends up in NZ. ** Two different understandings – whenever a record had holdings added to an OCLC record, it gets included in the process to suck it into our NZ. It overlays the existing NZ record.
- Start making list of reports you would like to see demo’ed in Analytics. Answer: IPEDS, benchmark report, template in shared report area,
- Would like to see Authorities session during a Tuesday call – not next week but soon afterwards.
- NetLibrary/EBSCOeBooks problem for several libraries. Need further investigation to define issue.