ACAD Discovery/PrimoVE User Group Discussion of NERS enhancements

Jun 27 2022 | 10 - 11am

Previously, there had been interest expressed in getting together to discuss the NERS Primo enhancements as a group.  Email invite was sent out to group but if you did not get one and are interested in attending, please contact Lynn ( for link.


Email sent by Linda on 6/21/22 -- the mentioned attachment is found at the link she also provided

**Sent to odin-acad-libs

Round two PRIMO enhancement voting is now open. Attached, find the top 17 Primo enhancements of the 2022 cycle (three enhancements were rejected during the pointing process – for those interested, I copied them below);  the list can also be found on the ODIN website at Please submit feedback BY END OF DAY JUNE 30 either directly to me or via a ticket, indicating which enhancements would be most helpful in your libraries. If you have multiple recommendations, please also rank them as to importance. ExLibris has assigned points (degree of difficulty) to the enhancements, which are noted on the spreadsheet.

The process:

  • The Primo User Group conducts round one voting for enhancement requests. ODIN has 100 votes that can be cast toward enhancements.
  • The top 20-25 enhancements from round one voting are sent to ExLibris, where they assign a point value based on level of difficulty for development.
  • The Primo User Group conducts round two voting. ODIN again has 100 votes that can be cast toward enhancements.
  • The top enhancements from round two voting are determined. Eluna has 200 development points each year for enhancements, and the top enhancements that are within the 200 point threshold are sent to ExLibris for development.

When voting, the ODIN office takes into account the needs/interests of the consortia, as well as the current ranking of the enhancement (i.e. with our support is it likely to garner enough votes to be pushed through to development). We typically cast our votes in blocks to allocate enough support to any selected enhancement to ensure its success in the voting process.