Premium sandboxes are automatically refreshed by Ex Libris twice a year, in February and August, on the Sunday after the Alma release on production environments.
Twice a year, February and August, Ex Libris does a “refresh” of premium sandbox environments (test/training server). The August event will be Sunday, August 8th.
*** This will not impact the data or configurations of your PRODUCTION ALMA / Primo VE environments ***
Data and configurations are copied from the production environments as part of the refresh. All data and configurations in the sandbox environments will be replaced. So if you are testing any scenarios on the sandbox that you wish to be able to keep or replicate on PRODUCTION in the future, you will need to document those changes as they will not be there after the refresh! This is part of Ex Libris’ regularly maintenance schedule. When the refresh is completed, the ODIN Office will verify the environments are ready to use and send out another email --- expected sometime later that week.
FYI – we have two premium sandboxes: one with data/configuration based on Bismarck State University and one with data/configuration based on UND. Check with your systems librarian if you have questions regarding access for your library.
For more information, see Ex Libris New Premium Sandbox Policy: Frequently Asked Questions.