2024 NERS Alma & Primo Enhancement Cycles

Jan 12 2024

***sent to ODIN-ACAD-LIBS***

Enhancement season is upon us and we want the voices of the ODIN community to be heard!

Operating under the auspices of ELUNA/IGeLU, Alma & Primo product working groups gather enhancement ideas and conduct a series of voting to help identify which ideas should be developed by Ex Libris and included in future releases. As a member of ELUNA, ODIN participates in the process by submitting our ideas for product improvements and voting on submissions we would find most beneficial. See attached for more details.

This year, the Alma & Primo Enhancement voting cycles will follow the same timeline:

January 13 – Deadline to submit enhancement requests to NERS
January 14 - March 3 (7 weeks) -- Enhancement Team reviews requests and sets up ballot in NERS
March 4 - March 29 (4 weeks) -- First round of voting  
April 2 - April 5 -- Enhancement Team reviews results, prepares, and sends to Ex Libris for pointing
April 8 - May 31 (8 weeks) -- Ex Libris pointing work 
June 10 - June 21 (2 weeks) -- Second round of voting on pointed enhancements

And then? – Ex Libris delivers the accepted enhancements within one year, customarily by the next September 

If you have an idea for improving Alma or Primo, please submit it via ODIN Help Ticket by Friday, January 12th  for the 2024 enhancement cycle. Make sure to include as much information as possible about the desired functionality and how it would provide an improved or more efficient workflow. 

If there are suggestions from last year you would still like to see that didn’t make the final cut, please resubmit those for this year’s cycle.

Thank you!


Nicole Murphy
Assistant Director of ODIN